Study cratering characteristics in dry sandstone; study ground shock and air blast intensities. Another objective was the production of useful radioisotopes and their recovery. The first known use of plowshare was in the 14th century. See more words from the same century An excavation experiment to explore cratering mechanics in hard, dry rock and study dispersion patterns of airborne radionuclides released under these conditions. Iron plows. [22] In comparison, the next three high fusion-yielding devices were all much too high in total explosive yield for oil and gas stimulation: the 50-megaton Tsar Bomba achieved a yield 97% derived from fusion,[23] while in the US, the 9.3-megaton Hardtack Poplar test is reported as 95.2%,[24] and the 4.5-megaton Redwing Navajo test as 95% derived from fusion. PLOWSHARE-UPDATE ON TRUMP COUP ATTEMPT. The radioactive dust plume headed northeast and then east towards the Mississippi River[citation needed]. plowshare (n.) "the part of a plow which cuts the ground at the bottom of the furrow and raises the slice to the mold-board to be turned," late 14c., from plow + share (n.2). However, in classical antiquity during the Battle of Marathon, many Persians were slain by a deadly ploughshare-wielding ally who appeared suddenly on the side of the ancient Athenians. Third Century BCE. Over the next 11 years 26 more nuclear explosion tests were conducted under the U.S. PNE program. "United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992", Radiation Safety in Nuclear Energy Explorations (Part I), Radiation Safety in Nuclear Energy Explorations (Part II), Nuclear weapons tests conducted by the United States, Unethical human experimentation in the United States, Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie,, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from August 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Commission appointed in 1965 to conduct feasibility studies of several sea-level routes for an Atlantic- Pacific interoceanic canal. The next blast, a 104-kiloton detonation at Yucca Flat, Nevada, displaced 12 million tons of soil and resulted in a radioactive dust cloud that rose 12,000 feet [3,700 m] and plumed toward the Mississippi River. Furthermore, as the years went by without further development and the closing/curtailment in output of nuclear weapons factories, this evaporated the existing economies of scale advantage of operation Plowshare that had earlier been present in the United States in the 1950s-60s. It was increasingly found in the following decades that most US fields could instead be stimulated by non-nuclear techniques which were found to be likely cheaper.[18][19]. Examine blast, seismic effects and throw out characteristics in preparation for nuclear cratering experiments. As part of the program, 31 nuclear warheads were detonated in 27 separate tests. 10. plows, it was evidently well known. Near Fort Peck Reservoir, Valley County, Montana, excavation experiments (High explosive, nitromethane), Pre-Gondola I, four 20-ton charges; Pre-Gondola II, row of five charges totaling 140 tons; Pre-Gondola III, Phase I, three rows of seven one-ton charges; Phase II, one row of seven 30- ton charges; Phase III, one row of five charges varying from five to 35 tons and totaling 70 tons. Learn more. The contaminated gas was never channeled into commercial supply lines. Earlier plows had merely scratched the surface of the soil. row charge experiment (High explosive, nitromethane), simultaneous detonation of a row of five 20 ton charges placed 45 feet (13.7 m) apart (1 crater radius). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of row-charge phenomenology and effects in preparation for a nuclear row- charge experiment. A multipurpose experiment designed to provide data concerning: (1) heat generated from a nuclear explosion; (2) isotopes production; (3) neutron physics; (4) seismic measurements in a salt medium; and (5) design data for developing nuclear devices specifically for peaceful uses. By 1974, approximately $82 million had been invested in the nuclear gas stimulation technology program. Words similar to plowshare: ploughshare, share, more... Search for plowshare on Google or Wikipedia. How did the new integrated economy affect sectional politics? Funding quietly ended in 1977. plowshare meaning: 1. [10], Project Carryall,[11] proposed in 1963 by the Atomic Energy Commission, the California Division of Highways (now Caltrans), and the Santa Fe Railway, would have used 22 nuclear explosions to excavate a massive roadcut through the Bristol Mountains in the Mojave Desert, to accommodate construction of Interstate 40 and a new rail line.[5]. When farming and ranching drove the economy, all produce was local and most people knew their neighbours. Her paper combined her support for labor with Catholic religious teaching. This page was last edited on 25 December 2020, at 17:22. | THE PLOWSHARE The Agricultural Leaders at Deere took notice of the Tractor Emerges The first operational gasoline tractor can be traced to a town in northeast Iowa in 1892, where 43-year-old John Froelich successfully ran his gasoline powered, vertical, single cylinder engine mounted on the running gear of a steam traction engine. The 1970 final report recommended, in part, that no current U.S. canal policy should be made on the basis that nuclear excavation technology will be available for canal construction. These projects included:[1], A number of projects were proposed and some planning accomplished, but were not followed through on. Things changed once the Chinese -- specifically, a man named Cai Lun -- invented the prototype for modern paper. In the 1960s, a proposal was suggested for a modified in situ shale oil extraction process which involved creation of a rubble chimney (a zone in the oil shale formation created by breaking the rock into fragments) using a nuclear explosive. Plowshares activist and Catholic Worker Art Laffin is the editor (with the late Sr. Anne Montgomery) of two editions of Swords into Plowshares – Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament (Harper & Row, 1987 and Fortkamp, 1996).He delivered the following historical review to about 100 supporters of the Kings Bay Plowshares gathered in Brunswick, Georgia for their trial, October 21-24. Cratering experiment to extend excavation information on yields and rock types relevant to the trans-Isthmian canal. The United States Atomic Energy Commission chairman at the time, Lewis Strauss, announced that the Plowshares project was intended to "highlight the peaceful applications of nuclear explosive devices and thereby create a climate of world opinion that is more favorable to weapons development and tests". First discussed with U.S. officials in 1962, the U.S. formally agreed to participate in a joint feasibility study with the Australian government in early 1969 for using nuclear explosives to construct a harbor. [1] A report by the Federation of American Scientists includes yields slightly different than that presented below. Plowshare was the US portion of what are called Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE); a similar Soviet program was carried out under the name Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy. Project Gnome vented radioactive steam over the very press gallery that was called to confirm its safety. A device-development experiment to improve nuclear explosives for excavation applications. The first real inventor of the practical plow was Charles Newbold of Burlington County, New Jersey; he received a patent for a cast-iron plow in June of 1797. [5] In contrast, Oil and gas are sometimes considerably naturally radioactive to begin with and the industry is set up to deal with oil and gas that contain radioactive contaminants; moreover in contrast to earlier stimulation efforts,[16] contamination from many later tests was not a show-stopping issue, historian Dr. Michael Payne notes that it was primarily changing public opinion due to the societal perception shift, to one fearing all nuclear detonations, caused by events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, that resulted in protests,[17] court cases and general hostility that ended the oil and gas stimulation efforts. The test had many objectives. Fracturing copper ore; extract copper by in situ leaching methods; feasibility study completed. By exploiting the peaceful uses of the "friendly atom" in medical applications, earth removal, and later in nuclear power plants, the nuclear industry and government sought to allay public fears about nuclear technology and promote the acceptance of nuclear weapons. Galiuro Mountains, 44 miles northeast Tucson, Arizona, fracturing experiment (High explosive, ammonium nitrate). As a point of comparison, the most successful and profitable nuclear stimulation effort that did not result in customer product contamination issues was the 1976 Project Neva on the Sredne-Botuobinsk gas field in the Soviet Union, made possible by multiple cleaner stimulation explosives, favorable rock strata and the possible creation of an underground contaminant storage cavity. The Plowshares Movement is an anti-nuke organization, made famous by the "Plowshares Eight" who broke into a nuclear facility in Pennsylvania where they hammered on warheads and poured blood on files and documents. A device-development experiment to produce an improved nuclear explosive for excavation applications. To study crater dimension, throw out material distribution, ground motion, dust cloud growth, and long-range air blast. After her conversion she began publishing her own newspaper, The Catholic Worker. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. (potluck begins at 6:30 p.m.) at the Georgia Farm Bureau, 925 Athens Road, Crawford, Ga. A five-detonation excavation experiment to study the effects and phenomenology of nuclear row-charge excavation detonations. Explore more than 180 years of John Deere heritage to see how the company has transformed from a one-man blacksmith shop to a global enterprise. To study excavation of a small boat harbor in a weak coral medium. Before there was, there was the Sears catalog. Other proposals involved blasting caverns for water, natural gas, and petroleum storage. Dorothy Day was the founder of the Catholic Workers movement. It will be sent first to the people and organizations who pledge financially to Plowshare. Every person needs to stay warm, dry and safe, and when there weren't any good places to hole up for the night, people had to improvise. plowshare definition: 1. The plowshare itself is often a hardened blade dressed into an integral moldboard (by the blacksmith) so making a unified combination of plowshare and moldboard, the whole being responsible for entering the cleft in the earth (made by the coulter's first cutting-through) and turning the earth over. For the serialized Philip K. Dick novel with the same name, see, Stone, Oliver and Kuznick, Peter, "The Untold History of the United States" (Gallery Books, 2012), page 283-84. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project to provide seismic calibration test data and cratering characteristics for excavation projects. A three-detonation device development experiment to develop improved nuclear explosives for excavation applications. In Pliny's time, though only forming part of some Fig. Another plan involved surface blasting on the western slope of California's Sacramento Valley for a water transport project. [5], Project Plowshare shows how something intended to improve national security can unwittingly do the opposite if it fails to fully consider the social, political, and environmental consequences. Two routes were in Panama and one in northwestern Colombia. In well-tilled terrain the plowshare may do duty without a preceding coulter. Row-charge excavation experiment to cut through the Bristol Mountains for realignment of the Santa Fe railroad and a new highway I-40. Triangular-shaped stone ploughshares are found at the sites of Chinese Majiabang culture dated to 3500 BC around Lake Tai. PlowShare developed and maintains one of the most comprehensive and user friendly PSA media tracking databases available today – FertileData 2.0 – the ultimate tool to track, evaluate and distribute public service advertising or other media assets. In the mid-19th century the black prairie soils of the American Midwest challenged the strength of the existing plow, and American mechanic John Deere invented the all-steel one-piece share and moldboard. Projects Chariot and Coach were two examples where technical problems and environmental concerns prompted further feasibility studies which took several years, and each project was eventually canceled. The Cast Iron Plowshare was invented by Robert Ransom, of Ipswich, England, and he obtained a patent for it in 1785, twenty-nine years before Jethro Wood obtained his. The new plow was equipped with a heavy knife (colter) to dig under the surface, thereby making strip fields possible. [26], In addition to the nuclear tests, Plowshare executed a number of non-nuclear test projects in an attempt to learn more about how the nuclear explosives could best be used. Only the last objective was considered a complete success. IAEA review of the 1968 book: The constructive uses of nuclear explosions by Edward Teller. It is the cutting or leading edge of a moldboard which closely follows the coulter (one or more ground-breaking spikes) when plowing. Thus he recognizes the whole construction of the wheel-plow (Fig. On the contrary! The first PNE blast was Project Gnome, conducted on December 10, 1961 in a salt bed 24 mi (39 km) southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico. 1. The explosion released 3.1 kilotons (13 TJ) of energy yield at a depth of 361 meters (1,184 ft) which resulted in the formation of a 170 ft (52 m) diameter, 80 ft (24 m) high cavity. In agriculture, a plowshare (US) or ploughshare (UK; /ˈplaʊʃɛər/) is a component of a plow (or plough). To promote fracturing and in situ leaching of copper ore. U.S. Army Engineer Nuclear Cratering Group study of basic cratering phenomenology in preparation for nuclear cratering experiments. Find a dealer in your area or purchase online. Built in 1909, the Grain Exchange was the centre of commerce in Calgary. The final PNE blast took place on May 17, 1973, under Fawn Creek, 76.4 km north of Grand Junction, Colorado. Three 30-kiloton detonations took place simultaneously at depths of 1,758, 1,875, and 2,015 meters. Water resource management; dam construction, subsurface storage, purification; aquifer modification. A device-development experiment to evaluate clean nuclear explosives for excavation applications. A gas stimulation experiment to investigate the feasibility of using nuclear explosives to stimulate a low-permeability gas field; first Plowshare joint government-industry nuclear experiment to evaluate an industrial application. Study a nuclear detonation to shatter an oil shale formation to extract oil. Before Cai's breakthrough, the Chinese wrote on thin strips of bamboo and lengths of silk, but in A.D. 105, he created a mixture of wood fibers and water and pressed it onto a woven cloth. a. The Bible frequently refers to the plow (or charash or arotrioo) and recognizes its importance to providing food. A deeply buried clean nuclear explosive detonation excavation experiment. [20][21] The Soviet Union retains the record for the cleanest/lowest fission-fraction nuclear devices so far demonstrated. Produce neutron-rich isotopes of known trans- plutonium elements. simulated excavation experiment (High explosive). Geothermal resource experiment; fracturing would allow fluids circulated in fracture zones to be converted to steam to generate electricity. “The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions”, Project Director Gregory E van der Vink, U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-ISC-414, (Oct 1989). Natural gas stimulation; study stimulation at various depths; an exploratory hole and two hydrological wells were drilled. The radioactive blast debris from 839 U.S. underground nuclear test explosions remains buried in-place and has been judged impractical to remove by the DOE's Nevada Site Office. US spelling of ploughshare 2. the sharp blade of a plow. Create a large chimney of broken rock with void space to store natural gas under high pressure. John Deere. You can check it in plowshare/ According to Mu Yongkang and Song Zhaolin's classification and methods of use, the triangular plough assumed many kinds and were the departure from the Hemudu and Luojiajiao spade, with the Songze small plough in mid-process. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. One proposal suggested using nuclear blasts to connect underground aquifers in Arizona. There was opposition to both Rulison and Rio Blanco tests because of possible radioactive gas flaring operations and other environmental hazards. charges. "semiannual report to Congress in January 1958". Unlike the throat-and-girth harness used in the West, which choked a horse and reduced its efficiency (it took two horses to haul a half a ton), the collar harness allowed a single horse to haul a ton and a half. US spelling of ploughshare 2. the sharp blade of a plow. Three seismic experiments to measure ground shock for the planned GNOME nuclear test. The British archaeologist David R. Harrissays this indicates that more intensive cultivation in fixed, probably bunded, fields had developed by this time. According to Mu Yongkang and Song Zhaolin's classification and methods of use, the triangular plough assumed many k… "Plowshare (1961)- US Atomic Energy Commission", Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy, successful and profitable nuclear stimulation effort,, Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series. According to ancient Chinese historical sources, a court eunuch named Ts'ai Lun (or Cai Lun) presented the newly-invented paper to the Emperor Hedi of the Eastern Han Dynasty in 105 CE. A low-yield cratering detonation to study basic cratering phenomenology. However, American farmers mistrusted the plow. The partly developed Project Coach detonation experiment that was to follow adjacent to the Gnome test was then canceled. Break oil shale deposits for in situ retorting; exploratory core holes drilled. Afterward, it will be shared through social media and the “Plowshare News” newsletter. Moreover, there was insufficient public and Congressional support for the projects. excavation experiment (High explosive, TNT), Shot 1 – 80 ft (24.4 m); Shot 2 - 17.1 ft (5.2 m); Shot 3 - 34.2 ft (10.4 m). She also founded a series of hospitality houses to provide shelter and aid t… Other consequences – blighted land, relocated communities, tritium-contaminated water, radioactivity, and fallout from debris being hurled high into the atmosphere – were ignored and downplayed until the program was terminated in 1977, due in large part to public opposition. PlowShare maintains a full-service in-house creative staff that can originate creative campaigns, including print, radio, TV, collateral, digital and out-of-home. The ancient phrase from the biblical Book of Isaiah, "to turn swords to ploughshares," is still in common use today. A device-development experiment to produce a clean nuclear explosive for excavation applications. What best describes the effects of the collapse of 1857 on the South? Other articles where Wheeled plow is discussed: history of the organization of work: Agricultural production: The wheeled plow, gradually introduced over several centuries, further reinforced communal work organization. The situation remained so for the next three decades, but a resurgence in Colorado Western slope natural gas drilling has brought resource development closer and closer to the original underground detonations.