2. Remarks. Julian, early Carnian, Heiligkreuz Formation, Italy (Kristan-Tollmann and Hamedani, 1973); Carnian, Late Triassic, Italian Alps (Lieberman, 1979); Cordevolian, Carnian, Jordan (Basha, 1982); Carnian, Israel (Gerry et al., 1990); Carnian, Balaton Highland, Hungary (Monostori 1994; Monostori and Tóth, 2014); Carnian, Dolomites, Northern Italy (Keim et al., 2001); Carnian, Karavanke Mountains, Slovenia (Forel et al., 2019b); Tuvalian – Carnian, Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this study). Occurrence. (complete carapace) H = 311 μm; L = 806μm. : 96, pl. J: Bairdiacypris triassicaKozur (1971c). Tuvalian, Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this study). Seven complete carapaces and two carapaces from Crasquin et al. 5, figs. The repository numbers are given as PCM (Palaeontological Museum Catania) O (Ostracods) X H (number of holotype) or X P (number of paratype) or FS X (Figured Specimen number) registration date. O: Bairdia sp. 4, only fig. Occurrence. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. sp. A. This species doesn’t show the ventral group of ridges but has one ridge at the AD part of the carapace following the AB. Nauchno-Issled. E-F: Bairdia andrecrasquini n.sp. : 137-138, fig. 2013 Acratia goemoeryi (Kozur, 1970); Monostori and Tóth: 6-7, pl. A species of Petasobairdia with a long reticulated carapace and elongated nodes at ADB and PDB of both valves. Occurrence. I: Urobairdia angustaKollmann (1963). Material. The specimens with massive shells and small spines are neritic inhabitants (Plate 1A–1D) of relatively nearshore muddy conditions. Tropites subbullatus zone. : 134, figs. ▸ When the date of the rocks is determined using index fossils, these r… The Mufara Basin, therefore, can be interpreted as a shallow marine basin (Fig. Right lateral view of a complete carapace, PCM O FS75. : 134, fig. ▸ Also known as guide fossils, indicator fossils, or zone fossils, they are used to identify periods of geological time. 1971 Simeonella brotzenorum alpina n.sp. (2018). 1, fig. 6F–H. 18-19. J.G. 13/2. In the deep sea, the specimens are thin shelled, elongate with long spines (e.g. The Mufara Fm. Tuvalian – Carnian, Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this work). 4) presents some morphological variability: overlap less important, at RV: the blade is located only at the ventral part of AB and occurrence of a small spine at the upper part of it, at LV: anteroventral blade seems to be also present. Hungarella forelae : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:DE0CE7FE-10E0-4F8E-8DC8-C829D3D5485B, Hungarella siciliiensis : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:942B09CB-1014-4CD3-A244-4EC52F0633B9, Bairdia andrecrasquini : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B42972B5-54DF-4435-9C2B-E3DD46610140, Bairdia gambaneraensis : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:DAB3F723-F5D1-40B1-B6BD-CC37BC92DD82, Ptychobairdia iudicaensis : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:FF7725BE-043C-4295-AD53-9023B9321380, Ptychobairdia leonardoi : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:FC93D70B-B0C0-4898-85BC-A4F3DA21E560, Petasobairdia jeandercourti : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:84DA8AAD-D794-4F58-A432-531D6DE12EBF, Kerocythere dittainoensis : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E47E2789-5811-4B0E-B05C-9C5E6AAC6216, Mockella barbroae : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:4ADD818E-6B13-4162-B348-1A807B0CF100. Part Q. Arthropoda 3, Crustacea, Ostracoda, Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Die Ostracoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meere Abschnilte, Il Raibliano del Monte Judica nella provincia di Catania, The aspect of ostracode faunas – A possible new tool in petroleum sedimentology, Substitute names for three genera of Ostracoda (Crustacea), Some paleoecological problems in marine ostracode faunas, demonstrated on the Upper Cretaceous ostracodes of Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Zur fossilen Fauna der Oligocänschichten von Gaas. 6-7. Paleontology lies between biology and geology since it focuses on the record of past life, but its main source of evidence is fossils in rocks. Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this study). Holotype. Sediments were routinely washed, dried in oven and sieved. A. All the specimens are stored in the Palaeontological Museum of the University of Catania. Catania Palaeoecological Research Group contribution no 456. Genus Renngartenella Schneider 1957 (inMandelstam et al., 1957), Renngartenella sanctaecrusisKristan-Tollmann (1973). 4, figs. 1968 Simeonella brotzenorum n.sp. 6/1–6. 1, fig. Occurrence. it looks like a snail because of its spiral shape Origin and Evolution of life Remarks. Tuvalian – Carnian, Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this study). The ostracod assemblage doesn’t yield any evidence of deep marine taxa both at Mt. One complete carapace, collection number PMC O 79 P 13/10/2019 (Plate 1F). 19–21, 1971 Bairdiacypris triassica n.sp. 1–4. Type species: Mockella muelleriBunza and Kozur (1971); subsequent designation (Kozur, 1973). A proposed map of the Earth in the Late Triassic Period (220 million years ago). Type species: Bairdiacypris deloiBradfield (1935). We follow here the general classification of Moore (1961) and Horne et al. ; Sohn: 23-24, pl. Occurrence. : 139, figs. 208-230 million years old A tropites an extinct genus of cephalopods, a marine mollusk similar to modern squids. Index Fossils Index Fossils Lingula anatina is NOT AN INDEX FOSSIL !! Trente-sept espèces sont reconnues dont sont nouvelles: Hungarella forelae n.sp., Hungarella siciliiensis n.sp., Bairdia andrecrasquini n.sp., Bairdia gambaneraensis n.sp., Ptychobairdia Iudicaensis n.sp., Ptychobairdia leonardoi n.sp., Petasobairdia jeandercourti n.sp., Kerocythere dittainoensis n.sp. Diagnosis. Reale stamperia e Libreria Palermo, Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mufara Formation (Upper Triassic, Sicily): biostratigraphy, organic facies, sedimentological and geochemical approach, Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mufara Formation (Upper Triassic, Sicily): High resolution sedimentology, biostratigraphy and sea-level changes, Latest Permian ostracoda from Nantong, Jiangsu and from Miannyang, Hubei. Order Metacopida Sylvester-Bradley (1961), Suborder Metacopina Sylvester-Bradley (1961). Calico scallop distribution, abundance, and yield off eastern Florida, 1967-68. The genus Acratia is a typical Palaeozoic form present both in Eifelian (neritic) and Thuringian (deep) mega-assemblages (see synthesis in Crasquin and Horne, 2018). Biostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy which focuses on correlating and assigning relative ages of rock strata by using the fossil assemblages contained within them. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Tropites, genus of extinct cephalopods (animals similar to the modern squid and octopus but with an external shell) found as fossils in marine rocks of the Late Triassic Period (from 230 to 208 million years ago). In the same way, the carapaces of Acratiidae lengthen with depth (as example: Acratia goemeryiKozur (1970) from Early-Smithian- to Late-Carnian-Triassic; see Forel et al., 2017). The morphology of the family changes from massive thick-shelled forms in nearshore environments to elongate thin-shelled forms beyond continental slope (particularly in genus Bairdia). One carapace, collection number PMC O 24H 13/10/2019 (Plate 1G). In blue: left valves; in red: right valves. is very close to H. forelae n.sp.. 1, figs. Teresa Gargotta in Salinas, Cenno sui molluschi viventi e fossili della Sicilia da servire di supplemento ed insieme di critiche osservazioni all’opera di R.A. Philippi. As time passed and the Paleogene Geological Period came to an end, mammals such as cats, dogs, and pigs started evolving along with the Neogene Geological Period. P: Bairdia sp. of abundance in the range of calico scallops, and may be a source of supply off Cape Canaveral. Gomphothere, any member of a line of extinct elephants that formed the most numerous group of the order Proboscidea and lived from perhaps as early as the end of the Oligocene Epoch (33.9 million to 23 million years ago) to the late Pleistocene (2.6 million to 11,700 years ago) and early Holocene 1, figs. Ostracods from Late Triassic (Tuvalian-Carnian) of Monte Gambanera, Sicily, Italy. 1, figs. Tuvalian, Tropites dilleri zone (Crasquin et al., 2018), Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this work). One complete carapace, collection number PMC O 28 H 13/10/2019 (Plate 2M). 2018 Acratia maugerii n.sp. Biological Evolution Versus Creation . Remarks. Type species Petasobairdia bicornutaChen and Shi (1982). O: Renngartenella sanctaecrusisKristan-Tollmann (1973) (♂). This could suggest a rapid burial in the sediments due to a high sedimentation rate. Remarks. The Triassic forms belong to Hungarellinae Kristan-Tollmann (1971) and Liassic ones to the subfamily Pseudohealdiinae Gründel (1964) (Kristan-Tollmann, 1971). : pl. 4. 1–6. Remarks.Kerocythere dittainoensis n.sp. As they are stratigraphicaly very close and the number of specimens is quite low, we consider here the ostracod assemblages of both samples in all. 7, 8, 10. 2) starts with the “Carnian Flysch” (Auct.) Uncategorized by by 1991 Acratia sp. The assemblage is composed of 200 specimens belonging to 10 families (plus two undetermined families), 19 genera and 37 species. 1982 Renngartenella sanctaecrucisKristan-Tollmann (1973); Basha: pl. Massive stocky carapace with a symmetric triangular shape; quite symmetric relative to H max; general shape of valves similar, but LV is significantly larger than RV and radius of curvature of PB smaller than anterior one; LV overlaps RV all around the carapace with minimum at PVB; maximum of H located at mid L or in front of mid L; maximum of L at mid H or a little below mid H; VB quite straight; presence of a very fine flattening at AB of RV in blade shape and a spine located near the maximum of convexity of AB; two more or less distinct spines at PVB of RV; one spine at AB of LV; dorsal view biconvex with valves almost symmetric in shape and W max at or just behind mid L; surface seems to be smooth. Etymology. Dimensions. Jean Dercourt, who was the mentor of the first author. is comparable to P. bicornutaChen and Shi (1982) from the Late Permian of Hubei Province (Chen and Shi, 1982) which has a much shorter DB. 6, fig. 2. 8, figs. Holotype. Material. One complete carapace, collection number PMC O 21 H 13/10/2019, Plate 1A. Occurrence. 1, figs. 14. H = 373–464 μm; L = 866–1066μm. 10 and 11). ; Crasquin et al. 2, figs. F: Polycope baudiCrasquin-Soleau and Grădinaru (1996). Height (H)/length (L) diagram for Ptychobairdia leonardoi n.sp. Plus de 200 spécimens ont été identifiés. 7-8, 2014 Bairdiacypris triassicaKozur (1971a, b, c); Monostori and Tóth: 25, pl. Müller, 1894, Ostracodes et recherche des milieux anciens : possibilités et limites, Uber Foraminiferen, Ostracoden und mikroskopische Tier-Uberreste in den St. Cassianer und Raibler Schichten, Micropaleontology of the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley Shale of Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma and its relationships to the Mississippian Caney Shale, Conodont and Ostracode-biostratigraphy of the Triassic in Israel, Über zwei neue Candona-Arten aus der Schweiz, Termination of carbonate slope progradation: An example from the Carnian of the Dolomites, Northern Italy, Ostracoden aus der alpinen Trias Österreichs. Paratype. RV: Strongly flattened all around except in ventral part; presence of a sulcus in AD part; BD long; AB with quite small radius of curvature; VB gently concave at its anterior part; BP very slender; DB, ADB, AVB, PVB, PDB straight. Kloedenellidae: Moscow-Leningrad Vses. Dimensions. G-H: Bairdia gambaneraensis n.sp. The Healdiidae do also show a change of morphology with depth. Carapace sub rectangular, long (H/L = 0.535); eye spot well developed; AB with maximum of curvature located low between mid-H and lower 1/3 of H; VB straight; PB equivalent to AB in heteromorphs and smaller in tecnomorphs with maximum of curvature located above mid-H; anteromedian sulcus located in front of mid-L; posterior lobe well developed; anterior lobe less distinct; presence of a distinct ridge all around the carapace including BD; presence of additional ridges on lateral surface of the valves: a median ridge which begins at maximum of curvature of AB and precedes on the posterior lobe; this ridge is high and stands out on the surface; a lateral ridge below the lobes parallel to VB; a small ridge in upper part of AB and below the eye spot. P-Q: Mockella barbroae n.sp. 1996 Bairdia (Rectobairdia) garciai n.sp. 2010 Urobairdia angustaKollmann (1963); Zorn: 271-272, pl. The deep marine ostracod fauna discovered recently in the Carnian of Southern Turkey (Forel et al., 2017) or in the South China (Forel et al., 2019a) suggests a deepening of the Neo-Tethys basin towards the more eastern areas. outcropping at Monte Scalpello, can be referred to the Tropites dilleri zones of the Tuvalian substage (Crasquin et al., 2018) due to the presence of Trachyceratidae (?Neoprotrachyceras, Trachysagenites, Pamphagosirenites) and Tropitidae. L: Acratia maugeriiCrasquin et al. In a previous paper (Crasquin et al., 2018) two of the present specimens were attributed to this O. felsooerensis. ; Kristan-Tollmann: 196, pl. : fig. 5, figs. : 133, figs. Stratigraphically, the Mufara Fm. 1995 Bairdia cassiana rotundidorsata n.ssp. 2. 2009, vol. 283, p. 60-76 : Abstract This study contributes to the reconstruction of the geological and palaeoenvironmental settings of the Mufara Formation (Upper Triassic, Sicily), which consists of monotonous marly deposits intercalated with relatively thin limestones levels. The PB has a very small radius of curvature. A species of Bairdia with a very compact carapace, a continuously arched dorsal boarder and flattened and crenulated ventral parts of AB and PB. H = 204–293 μm; L = 231–306 μm. Lateral view of a complete carapace, PCM O FS72. L: length; H: height; W: width; RV: right valve; LV: left valve; DB: dorsal border; VB: ventral border; AB: anterior border; PB: posterior border; PVB: postero-ventral border; AVB: antero-ventral border; PDB: postero-dorsal border; ADB: antero-dorsal border. 1: Skulpturierte Bairdiidae aus Mitteltriassischen Flachwasse ablagerungen, Die Bairdiacea der Trias. the tropites subbullatus was a sea creature. In this stratigraphic horizon, cropping out near masseria Balconere at the west side of Mount Gambanera, two levels consisting of slightly silty clays have been sampled (Fig. 2001 Simeonella brotzenorum nostoricaMonostori (1994); Keim et al. The Imerese Basin, where these sedimentary successions were deposited, was delimited by the Panormide Carbonate Platform to the west and the Trapanese Carbonate Platform to the east and south (Catalano and D’Argenio, 1982; Montanari, 1987; Speranza and Minelli, 2014). Teil 3: Einige neue Arten triassischer Bairdiacea und Bemerkungen zur Herkunft der Macrocyprididae (Cypridacea), Festband des Geologischen Institutes, 300-Jahr-Feier Universitat Innsbruck, Einige neue Bairdien (Ostracoda) aus der alpinen Trias, Weitere Beobachtungen an skulptierten Bairdiidae (Ostracoda) der alpinen Trias, Die obertriadischen Arten der Ostracodengattung, Zur phylogenetischen und stratigraphischen Stellung der triadischen Healdiiden (Ostracoda) II, On the development of the muscle-scar patterns in Triassic Ostracoda, Zur Evolution des SchlieBmuskelfeldes bei Healdiidae und Cytherellidae (Ostracoda), Bairdiidae (Ostracoda) aus den obertriadischen Cassianer Schichten der Ruones-Wiesen bei Corvara in Südtirol. Genus HiatobairdiaKristan-Tollmann (1970), Type species: Hiatobairdia subsymmetricaKristan-Tollmann (1970), Hiatobairdia subsymmetricaKristan-Tollmann (1970). 1978 Bairdia cassiana (Reuss, 1869); Kristan-Tollmann: 81, pl. and Mockella barbroae n.sp. 1, fig. I: Thaumatomma? Remarks. 1973 Renngartenella sanctaecrucis Kristan-Tollmann; Kristan-Tollmann and Hamedani: 215, 217–219, pl. Massive carapace with a symmetric triangular shape; quite symmetric relative to H max; shape of left and right valves similar ; LV is significantly larger than RV and radius of curvature of PB smaller than anterior one; LV overlaps RV all around the carapace with minimum at PVB; maximum of H located in front of or at mid L; maximum of L at mid H or a little below; VB quite straight; presence of a very fine flattening all around the AB of RV in blade shape; small spine more or less distinct at PVB of RV; dorsal view biconvex with valves almost symmetric in shape and W max at or just behind mid L; surface seems to be smooth. Similar taphonomic characteristics were also found by Pokorny (1964) and Oertli (1971) for pelitic layer associations deposited in basins with extremely rapid distal sedimentation. 4). The Carnian (less commonly, Karnian) is the lowermost stage of the Upper Triassic series (or earliest age of the Late Triassic epoch).It lasted from 237 to 227 million years ago (Ma). 35, figs. K: Bairdia sp.1 sensuCrasquin et al. Some authors consider HungarellaMéhes (1911) (which has no type material – Gerry and Kozur (1973); but the Hungarian original material in under revision by E. Tóth, pers. "The two lines of evidence [fossil and genetic] come together to tell the tale of evolution." Over 200 specimens have been picked out from the two samples. Judica recess area in Sicily: implication for the Apenninic–Maghrebian wedge dynamics, A regional-scale discontinuity in western Sicily revealed by a multidisciplinary approach: A new piece for understanding the geodynamic puzzle of the southern Mediterranean, Foraminiferen und Ostracoden aus dem Lias von Siebeldingen/Pfalz, Ostrakody franskogo iarusa Russkoi platformy, 1. L: Bairdia sp. The results of the ostracod fauna analysis allow the following conclusions: 1. Right lateral view of a complete carapace, PCM O FS66. E. Right lateral view of a complete carapace, PCM O FS57. We compare the results of the Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones (this study), with the data obtained in levels just below in Tropites dilleri zone (Crasquin et al., 2018) (Fig. . A great confusion exists in the systematics of Late Permian – Triassic Healdiidae genera Hungarella – Ogmoconcha – Ogmoconchella. Consequently the apparently anomalous association of Trachy-ceras with Tropites in California can not be explained by assuming an early arrival of Tropites as suggested by Smith, but is due instead to the supposed occurrence of Trachyceras in an assemblage otherwise comparable to that of the Tropites subbul-latus zone. Diagnosis. E, K) as Hungarella gommerii Forel, 2019 from the Carnian of Sichuan (South China) are very close to our specimens. This research was supported by the University of Catania “Piano della Ricerca 2016/2018 (code no. 6K-L. Etymology. One complete carapace, collection number PMC O 80 P 13/10/2019 (Plate 1H). By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:DE0CE7FE-10E0-4F8E-8DC8-C829D3D5485B, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:942B09CB-1014-4CD3-A244-4EC52F0633B9, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B42972B5-54DF-4435-9C2B-E3DD46610140, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:DAB3F723-F5D1-40B1-B6BD-CC37BC92DD82, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:FF7725BE-043C-4295-AD53-9023B9321380, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:FC93D70B-B0C0-4898-85BC-A4F3DA21E560, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:84DA8AAD-D794-4F58-A432-531D6DE12EBF, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E47E2789-5811-4B0E-B05C-9C5E6AAC6216, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:4ADD818E-6B13-4162-B348-1A807B0CF100, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5BB71015-F9DF-4353-A331-208A98705E11, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, Late Triassic ostracods from the Lycian Nappes, southwestern Turkey: implications on taxonomy and palaeobiogeographical distribution, Conodonts, radiolarians and ostracodes in the Permian E-Lert Formation, Loei : fig. We can’t do it here because we have not enough material and most of the discrimination between the genera were based on muscles scars which are not preserved in the present material. (sexual or ontogenic). H = 269–296 μm; L = 446–488 μm. A. This suggests, that the sediment environment of the Mufara Formation outcrops at Monte Gambanera (Fig. 11, figs. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, https://www.britannica.com/animal/Tropites. 12–15. Index fossils (also known as guide fossils, indicator fossils or zone fossils) are fossils used to define and identify geologic periods (or faunal stages). 1). : 134, fig. Dimensions. 2013 Bairdia (Urobairdia) angustaKollmann (1963); Monostori and Tóth: 7, pl. Etymology. C-D: Ptychobairdia iudicaensis n.sp. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. C: holotype, right lateral view of a complete carapace, PMC O25 H 13/10/2019; D: paratype, right lateral view of a complete carapace, PMC O 81 P 13/10/2019. Etymology. 1971a Triebelina (Mirabairdia) balatonica n.sp. differs from P. kristanaeKollmann (1960) from the Rhaetian – Early Jurassic of Austria (Kollmann, 1960, 1963) and the late Carnian of Sicily (Crasquin et al., 2018) by its reticulated carapace and the RV being clearly smaller than LV. Paratype. Anisian, Western Carpathians, Slovakia (Salaj and Jendrejakova, 1984; Kozur, 1971a); Anisian, Balaton Highland, Hungary (Kozur, 1971a); Ladinian, Dolomites, South Tirol, Italy, (Kristan-Tollmann, 1971); Ladinian, Northern Calcareous Alps, Cassian beds, Austria (Kollmann, 1963); Ladinian E-Bakony, Hungary (Monostori and Tóth, 2014) ; Tuvalian– Carnian, Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this study). Fold Belt, Indochina Terrane, Thailand, Rapid marine recovery after the end-Permian mass-extinction event in the absence of marine anoxia, Sea-level change and facies development across potential Triassic–Jurassic boundary horizons, SW Britain, First Permian ostracode fauna from the Arabian Plate (Khuff Formation, Sultanate of Oman), Introduction: Waste disposal—where are we now? Although these genera are not dominant here, their presence testifies a shallowing of environment from the Tropites dilleri zone to the Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones. 2018 Bairdia cassiana (Reuss, 1869) ; Crasquin et al. A species of Ptychobairdia with a short coarse reticulated carapace, strongly compressed and finely reticulated AB and PB and a central node. The new species has exactly the same general shape of valves as B. penovoideaBolz (1971) from Late Norian–Rhaetian of Austria and differs from this species only by a larger AB, a longer DB and the ventral crenulation of AB and PB. 1. see synthesis Tab. Height (H)/length (L) diagram for Ptychobairdia iudicaensis n.sp. History, Revised Definition, and Boundary Stratotype Candidates. I Parabairdia n. g.und Ptychobairdia n. g. (Bairdiidae), Ostracoden aus der alpinenTrias. H = 525–600 μm; L = 575–600 μm. 1979 Simeonella brotzenorumSohn (1968); Lieberman: 103, pl. 163, fig. humilisMonostori (1995) ; Crasquin et al. cf. Published in Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. Type species: Reubenella avnimelechiSohn (1968). Genus KerocythereKozur and Nicklas (1970), Type species Cythere raiblianaGümbel (1869). A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. 1-2. Geol. 1-2. 1979 Hiatobairdia subsymmetricaKristan-Tollmann (1970); Kristan-Tollmann et al. Late Ladinian of NE Iran (Kristan-Tollmann, 1991), Balaton Highland, Hungary (Monostori and Tóth, 2013); Tuvalian– Carnian, Tropites dilleri zone (Crasquin et al., 2018) and Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones, Monte Gambanera, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy (this study). 3, figs. L = 720–1083 μm; H = 480–667 μm (see Fig. Paratype. Occurrence. One complete carapace, collection number PMC O 85 P 13/10/2019 (Plate 2Q). The Bairdiidae, the most abundant family in number of species (53%) and genera (37%) (Fig. Occurrence. Monte Gambanera is a modest relief located in central eastern Sicily (F 269 III NE of the Carta d’Italia alla scala 1:25 000) to the southeast of the town of Castel di Iudica (EN), about 40 kilometres west of Catania (Fig. Description. 7T-U, in press. H = 412–569 μm; L = 812–969μm. 6, figs. Therefore we follow the work of Kristan-Tollmann (1973, 1979). 1, 3, 5, 6; pl. Right lateral view of a complete carapace, PCM O FS52. Now, a sedimentary level which is stratigraphically higher than the previous one and referable to the Tropites subbullatus/Anatropites spinosus zones of the Tuvalian substage, has been identified at the western side of the Monte Gambanera, nine kilometres south of Monte Scalpello (Fig. 2014 Bairdia cassiana (Reuss, 1869); Mette et al. Razved. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Paratype. However, for the time being we have not enough specimens to settle this question. Occurrence. 1–3. Abbreviations. Diagnosis. Bairdiacypris triassicaKozur (1971a, b, c), 1911 ?Bairdia silicula Jones; Méhés: 16-17, pl. 1990 Simeonella brotzenorumSohn (1968); Gerry et al. 2018 Bairdia cf. H = 600–615 μm; L = 885–953μm. 9-10. All the specimens are stored in the Palaeontological Museum of the University of Catania. 3–5. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). PaleoDB taxon number: 172753. Co-occurrence of the ammonoid Tropites subbullatus and the Sonoran ichthyosaur specimens was recognized by Smith in 1925 (King, 1939) and by Keller (1928). Paratype. (complete carapace and LV) H (without spines) = 453–507 μm; L = 826–923μm. 6, fig. 6A-B. Teil 2: Skulpturierte Bairdiidae aus Mitteltriassischen tiefschelfablagerungen, Die Bairdiacea der Trias. n.sp. They work on the premise that, although different sediments may look different depending on the conditions under which they were laid down, they may include the remains of the same species of fossil. A species of KerocythereKozur and Nicklas (1970) with a subrectangular reticulate carapace, presence of a lateral thick ridge which ascends at PB and occurrence of ventral ridges, one thick and several thinner ones parallel to VB. Mucrospirifer mucronatus, Devonian Period, 420-360 mya. 1965 Urobairdia angustaKollmann (1963); Széles: 414, pl. monostoriiForel and Grădinaru (2018). According to many authors, the Mufara basin is located in a transitional position between the bathyal Neotethys facies to the south and southeast and the carbonate platforms that surround it (Figs. and Mockella barbroae n.sp. Dimensions. It presents taxonomic, distributional, and ecological data about the entire fossil record. The systematics of Mesozoic Healdiidae is quite complicated and an important revision is necessary. 1, fig. It shows up in the Triassic period which is about 251 to 201 mya. One complete carapace, collection number PMC O 84 P 13/10/2019 (Plate 2N). Material. 1, fig. 1, figs. Lateral view of a right valve, PCM O FS67. Dimensions. Palaeozoic genus TimorhealdiaBless, 1987). 1869 Bairdia cassiana (Reuss, 1869); Gümbel: 180, pl. 1982 Simeonella brotzenorumSohn (1968); Basha: pl. 1, figs 11–13. Tropites is characterized by a distinctive, easily recognizable, globular shell within a central keel. ▸ Index fossils have a great significance in the fields of geology and paleontology. In the study on the Mufara Formation (Crasquin et al., 2018) we attributed the specimens to the latter species.