It is also perhaps the most misinterpreted. The word soul" here means life, or spirit, and not the soul in the strict sense in which the term is now used. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Supplying our daily needs and offering us peace and rest are all a part of God’s desire to restore our souls, to revive us in Him. To sum up the entire Psalm 23 meaning: God is good. When you seek the Word of God, it is revealed. Choose a verse from 'Psalms 23' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on It is not primarily on their account; it is not solely that they may be saved. Psalm 23 is one of the most commonly quoted passages of the Bible. I Am A Warrior - Part 2. Psalm 23:3, NLT: "He renews my strength. He guides them in the way to heaven; His constant care is evinced that they "may" walk in that path. Psalm 23 Meaning – Line by Line. It refers to the spirit when exhausted, weary, or sad; and the meaning is, that God quickens or vivifies the spirit when thus exhausted. .”, took on fresh meaning. As first Corinthians 13, the love chapter, is recited at weddings, Psalm 23 is regularly used at funerals as an expression of comfort, hope, and God’s faithfulness. Required fields are marked *. One Question Bible Study: Christian Life. Psalm 23 – The LORD Is My Shepherd and My Host. And yet, our Shepherd’s leading us down the right paths doesn’t mean a total absence of fear-inducing realities, as verse 4 admits and as we see in our Psalm 23 4 Commentary article. They need the shepherd to lead them down the right – the righteous – path. Your email address will not be published. Like many others, this beloved psalm bears the simple title A Psalm of David.Most account it to be a psalm of David’s maturity, but with vivid remembrance of his youth as a shepherd. In reference to His people it is true: (a) that He leads them in the path by which they become righteous, or by which they are "justified" before him; and. The 23rd Psalm – most of us can recite it, but what meaning does it hold for you personally? Thank you so much for breaking down Pslm. … Psalm 23 3 Commentary: He Restores My Soul. To Those Losing a … To get what Psalm 23:3 means based on its source text, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , biblical context and relative popularity. Thank you for reminding us what a Marvelous God we serve. (b) that He leads them in the way of "uprightness" and "truth." In the psalm, Barzillai made a great dinner for David. Psalm 23 is a famous chapter of the Bible with deep meaning that’s especially encouraging during times of trouble, whatever it may be. I have often thought of God’s words and promises in Psalm 23and they have brought amazing comfort to me when it seemed there was no way out of the valley. Psalm 51:10,12 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me…. Study the Bible Commentary and gain emotional healing in your life. KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) TRANSLATION, MEANING, CONTEXT. Psalm 23 3 Commentary: The food and drink and peace that the Lord gives according to what we learned in our Psalm 23 2 Meaning article leads to what we see here in the third verse of Psalm 23. How to Understand Psalm 23. Learn how your comment data is processed. 2. Jehovah-Rapha; The Lord the physician. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness - In right paths, or right ways. Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony …. Now, I tend to think that the thought expressed in the first line of verse 3 goes along with the thoughts expressed in verse 2. He … Verse 3. And it was during this trip Psalm Twenty-Three, beginning with “The LORD is my shepherd. Yes, it is a comforting Psalm, so I guess I can see why it’s recited at graveside services. for his name's sake—or, regard for His perfections, pledged for His people's welfare. This he will always do if people will follow the directions of His word, the teachings of His Spirit, and the guidance of His providence. He uses these means to restore our strength – both inwardly and outwardly. For his name’s sake.—God’s providential dealings are recognised as in accordance with His character for great graciousness. He poured oil, from plants, on David's head. Jehovah Rohi. So, then it seems that David starts a new train of thought in the second line of verse 3. Pray to him, then, for the blessing -- \"Restore thou me, thou Shepherd of my soul!\" He leadeth me in the paths of rig… Compare Isaiah 43:25; Isaiah 48:9; Isaiah 66:5; Jeremiah 14:7. The reference is not to the soul as wandering or backsliding from God, but to the life or spirit as exhausted, wearied, troubled, anxious, worn down with care and toil. Psalm 23:3(NASB) Verse Thoughts While David was a young herdsman who discovered that Lord was his own, personal Shepherd, Who provided for his every need, gave him peace in his heart and sustained his soul, he grew up to be a man who loved the Lord. Both “hallowed be thy name” and “deliver us from evil.” There’s a connection between God’s name – his reputation – being exalted … and his delivering his people from evil – by leading us in the right paths. Now, I tend to think that the … Is the 23rd PsalmThe 22nd Psalm in the Vulgate and some Catholic bibles one of your favorite Psalms? We look back and see the danger that would have confronted us if we went a different way. Psalm 23:3. This is strongly suggested by David’s use of the same expression “to restore the soul” in Psalm 19: “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” (Ps. It is only through His power and grace that we can. They don’t know what the right path is. It implies the quickening and invigoration of the soul in seasons of depression and exhaustion. He Restores My Soul. For those of us who have known the Lord for any amount of time, we can look back and see how he has led us down right paths. Heaven is the home of God. But, its comforting elements shouldn’t … He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness —, He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Psalm 23:3 is a Bible verse from one of the most famous Psalms in the Bible, where David is expressing his gratitude to God for teaching him righteousness while at the same time restoring his soul. He brings back its vigor. Psalm 23:5, ESV: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Compare Psalm 25:9. It has helped me so much. No one who submits to Him in this way will ever go astray! The feeling expressed in this verse is that of confidence in God; an assurance that he would always lead his people in the path in which they should go. Psalm 23 is one of the most famous Psalms in the Bible. This post presents the beautiful new Passion Translation of Psalm 23. Well, here is one commentary, one phrase at a time. the heart, thus exhausted, He re-animates. Jehovah-Rohi; The Lord is my shepherd. In addition, there is verse by verse meanings of Psalm 23, which will help you better understand this vital piece of Scripture and … Psalm 23:1. He alone deserves all the glory and worship for it. Psalm 23 3 Commentary: The food and drink and peace that the Lord gives according to what we learned in our Psalm 23 2 Meaning article leads to what we see here in the third verse of Psalm 23. Do we feel that our spirituality is at its lowest ebb? Thank you for giving me increased understanding of the psalm. paths of righteousness—those of safety, as directed by God, and pleasing to Him. One this for sure - this is an amazing Psalm which has impacted millions over the centuries. He restoreth my soul. I. It is the King's Highway - it has his name on it - "for his name's sake. DeWette, "He quickens me," or causes me to live. David speaks of being led in certain paths. he leadeth, he in the paths of righteousness; in the plain paths of truth and holiness, in which men, though fools, shall not err; in right ones, though they sometimes seem rough and rugged to Christ's sheep, yet are not crooked; there is no turning to the right hand or the left; they lead straight on to the city of habitation; and they are righteous ones, as paths of duty are, and all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord be; moreover, Christ leads his by faith, to walk on in him and in his righteousness, looking through it, and on account of it, for eternal life; see Proverbs 8:20; and all this he does. Clarke's Psalms 23:3 Bible Commentary He restoreth my soul - Brings back my life from destruction; and converts my soul from sin, that it may not eternally perish. David declares, The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:3 (Exodus 15:26) 4. Or, after it has backslidden from him, heals its backslidings, and restores it to his favor. 19:7). Activity | Ages up to 10. Psalm 23:3. Experiencing Nearness To God . He encourages it; excites it to new effort; fills it with new joy. 1. . Psalm 23:2 (Judges 6:24) 3. The same is true of the Lord with his people. It may be a good idea to craft your own definition of this powerful prayer to read from time to time and to have handy should you need it in an unexpected situation. He who turns the ebb into the flood can soon restore our soul. Psalm 23 is a well-known and oft quoted Psalm most often associated with death. However, I personally feel this is a fallacy. It is helping me to see how the Lord guides us even we are not aware. There are seven names of Jehovah in the Old Testament direct, also revealed in Psalm 23: 1. Psalm 23:5-6 is about life in heaven. He restoreth my soul — Hebrew, נפשׁי ישׁובב , naphshi jeshobeb, my soul he bringeth, or, will bring back, namely, from its errors or wanderings. He conducts me in the straight path that leads to Himself; He does not permit me to wander in ways that would lead to ruin. The 23rd Psalm is perhaps the most quoted Psalm in the Bible. And the Lord does that for us his people just like a shepherd would lead his sheep. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts. Lying Down In Green Pastures. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. A Psalm of David. Psalm 23:3, NASB: "He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For the sake of His name." In Israel – especially in the southern region where the terrain is comparable to the Bad Lands in South Dakota – as a nomadic shepherd would lead his sheep in search of those green pastures and still waters there would sometimes be places where the sheep would need to be led down various paths. Thank you so much. If a shepherd leads his sheep off a precipice, what does that do for that shepherd’s name – for his reputation? The same prayer that the Lord Jesus – our Good Shepherd – taught his disciples included these two requests. David says that it’s for his name’s sake. Sometimes we need to be refilled. For his name's sake - For His own sake; or, that His name may be honored. In other words, it’s the food and drink and peace that the Lord uses to restore the soul of his sheep. restoreth. Your email address will not be published. In truth, it is perhaps the preeminent Psalm of prosperity. 23. The road referred to by the 23rd Psalm is called the paths of righteousness because it is the road that we can trust will lead us to our destination. We marvel at God’s leading us. It appears that there is a spiritual meaning implied in Psalm 23:2-3a 85 which presses beyond the literal meaning of physical nourishment and rest. Jehovah-Shalom; The Lord who is or gives peace. \"He\" does it. Explore the meaning of each phrase in Psalm 23, then help children experience it using their five senses. Psalm 85:4-7 Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause your anger toward us to cease…. PSALM 23:3. To many, this is a Psalm of desperation, resignation, and gloom. Psalm 23:3, KJV: "He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." 3 He restoreth my [soul/strength]:he [leadeth/guides] me [in/down] the [paths of righteousness/right paths] for his [name's/reputation’s] sake. Psalm 23:5 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Psalm 23:5, NIV: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." His Word would not avail by itself. Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 23:3. Following the Lord Our Shepherd Use magnets to picture members of a family following the Lord as the shepherd. It is a psalm which has been sung by good Christians, and will be while the world stands, with a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction. When the soul grows sorrowful he revives it; when it is sinful he sanctifies it; when it is weak he strengthens it. נפש has a broad range of meanings and good scholars on all sides of debates don't always agree. \"He restoreth my soul.\" Are any of us low in grace? His ministers could not do it if he did not. Tags: Old Testament Poetry Old Testament Wisdom « previous next » Comments Additional Resources: Another interpretation of Psalm 23 can be found here, “Praying the 23rd Psalm.” Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. A sheep may languish from internal weakness and disorder, and may need the application of medicinal restorations. Psalm 23. And why does he lead us? Always. for his name's sake; for his own glory and the praise of his grace, and not for any merits or deserts in men. Psalm 23 2 Meaning: In Relation to Verse 3. It is that He may be honored: (c) in the influence of their whole life, under His guidance, as making known His own character and perfections. And that food and drink and peace that the Lord gives leads to what we see in verse 3 on our Psalm 23 3 Commentary article. I was setting here reading the wonderful Psalm 23 thinking what is King David saying there has to b a broken down meaning for folks like me so I started studying in did my eyes ever become woken up. Psalm 23:1-4 is about life on earth. Jehovah-Tsidkenu; The Lord our Righteousness. He restoreth my soul - literally, "He causes my life to return." If a shepherd leads his flock into a pack of wolves, would his reputation as a shepherd not suffer damage? It requires right action and fair dealing. Psalm 23. Psalm 119:176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant; for I do …. The restoration of the soul. Psalms 23:3. Psalm 23:4(NASB) Verse Thoughts David was getting old when he penned these words, which have meant so much to so many, and in this middle section of this Psalm he changes from talking about his Shepherd, Who leads and guides him, feeds and waters him, protects and revives him.. to addressing the Shepherd Himself: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. People that believe in Jesus go there. Many of David's psalms are full of complaints, but this is full of comforts, and the expressions of delight in God's great goodness and dependence upon him. This beautiful little volume reminds me of the closeness and intimacy we experience with God through Psalm … 3 He restoreth my [soul/strength]: he [leadeth/guides] me [in/down] the [paths of righteousness/right paths] for his [name's/reputation’s] sake. A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He restoreth my soul. And sheep need this kind of leading. They go there after they die. No creature is more ready to go astray than a sheep, or more at a loss to find its way back.