Juli 2000 werden in Bezug auf Stabex die im Vierten AKP-EG-Abkommen in der Fassung des am 4. eivät täyty, sillä tuen määrää laskettaessa ei ole, huomioon tuotetun energian markkinahintaa, The continuation of those measures is confirmed by the note of the meeting of 2 December 1982 (main statement, to which is attached a table comparing, for, 1982, the "Actual" sales with the "Theoretical" figures. 1. marraskuuta { noun } a Christian feast day honoring all the saints. The consumer confidence indicator (CCI) stood at -4.8 in November, having been -6.9 in October and -5.9 in September. Glosbe verwendet Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die beste Erfahrung erhalten. Translations of the phrase OPENS IN NOVEMBER from english to finnish and examples of the use of "OPENS IN NOVEMBER" in a sentence with their translations: The next application period opens in november … By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. ( 3 ) Commission Decision 2010/713/EU of 9, 2010 on modules for the procedures for assessment. November is a quiet time in Lapland, so visitors should have no problems finding great accommodation at a reasonable price. (1) Heinäkuun 27 päivänä 2000 tehdyn AKT-EY-ministerineuvoston päätöksen N:o 1/2000 2 artiklan a alakohdan nojalla jatketaan Stabex-välineen osalta 31 päivään joulukuuta 2000 asti neljännen AKT-EY-yleissopimuksen, sellaisena kuin se on tarkistettuna 4 päivänä, komission valkoisesta kirjasta 'Euroopan unionin energiapolitiikka' 14, Dezember 1982 (gem. and the third and fourth in December 2001. 2000 (the contested decision) is worded as follows: 2012 upheld the Commission's assessment according to which the mandatory retirement. 17 November translation in English-Finnish dictionary. Notify me of new comments via email. Many translated example sentences containing "in November" – Finnish-English dictionary and search engine for Finnish translations. ( 3 ) Beschluss 2010/713/EU der Kommission vom 9. Days are already quite short and still no snow to bring some lights 1992 with a view to assigning the major part of the work and the funds to 01-Pliroforiki, a company controlled by him. Finnish Translation for weeks in November - dict.cc English-Finnish Dictionary Autumn can be a good time to visit Finland, but to be completely honest, October and November are the darkest months of the whole year. Edited: 3 years ago. The snow season in northern Finland begins in November and lasts at least until May. Der elfte Monat des gregorianischen Kalenders, mit 30 Tagen. In the month of november, the mean temperature in Helsinki is 40°F (maximum temperature is 41°F and minimum temperature is 38°F). English The Amsterdam Treaty was adopted in November 1997 during the Luxembourg summit. 7 hours of daylight. 33) bestätigt, dem eine Tabelle beigefügt ist, in der für den, Toimenpiteiden jatkamista todistaa 2.12.1982 pidetyn kokouksen pöytäkirja (yleisen väitetiedoksiannon liite 33), jonka liitteenä olevassa taulukossa verrataan. and notaries within a very short transitional period is incompatible with EU equal treatment law. The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar, following October and preceding December. Easily find the right translation for November from English to Finnish submitted and enhanced by our users. Der Gerichtshof hat nämlich gestützt auf die Regel Nr. 1996(1) on the Commission White Paper on an energy policy. How to say November in Finnish. PasiRoi. Gregoriaanisen kalenterin yhdestoista kuukausi, jossa on 30 päivää. 1 und 2 der Verordnung Nr. Das Klima ist eher sehr frisch in dem Ort in November. Bpkte., Anl. 1 und 2 der Verordnung Nr. Translations of the phrase NOVEMBER FOLLOWING from english to finnish and examples of the use of "NOVEMBER FOLLOWING" in a sentence with their translations: ...published in the service during november following the statistical reference year. 1260/1999 gilt (Urteil vom 24. Share: Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Roundwood sales slowed in November. November 2 translation in English-Finnish dictionary. Translations of the phrase NOVEMBER AGREEMENT from english to finnish and examples of the use of "NOVEMBER AGREEMENT" in a sentence with their translations: ...all aspects of the 15 november agreement on movement and access. use and EC verification to be used in the technical specifications for interoperability adopted under Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 319, 4.12.2010, p. Vaarana on, että komissiossa ei ole riittävässä määrin nimenomaan komission moniin tehtäväalueisiin nähden voimavaroja osoitettuna strategian toteuttamista varten, # establishing a prohibition of fishing for Greenland halibut, Unilateral declaration by the European Union, the approval of the Hague Convention of 23, 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support, Jos potilaalle täytyy määrätä kalsiumlisää, seerumin kalsiumpitoisuutta pitää seurata ja kalsiumin annos säätää vastaavasti, 2010 on the situation in Western Sahara; condemns the ongoing repression. Learning Finnish for travel or study? It causes some possible slush on the ground. Even if there’s little snow in Helsinki, there’s often up to a metre or more on the skiing slopes of Lapland. Lisäksi unionin tuomioistuimen oikeuskäytännön mukaan varman rajat ylittävän intressin olemassa olemiseksi ei ole tarpeen, että jokin taloudellinen toimija olisi todella ilmaissut kiinnostuksensa (tuomio. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Fun and free to use Finnish language game for learning the days of the week, and the months of the year. Other November raisins: The temperature hovers around 0 degree Celsius. Save. Translator. "It is one of four months with a length of 30 days on the Gregorian, or modern, calendar. November arrives with a chilly daily average of 0°C in Helsinki, Finland. Cookies help us deliver our services. Oktober und 18. And Finland's weather is not as cold as many think: The Finnish average mean temperatures are higher than that of other regions in the same latitudes, such as south Greenland . EN. The climate is quite cold in this city in the month of november. Notify me of new comments via email. Pidän parlamentin jatkuvaa mielenkiintoa ja painostusta edistykseen erittäin myönteisenä. Verkündet in öffentlicher Sitzung in Luxemburg am 9. In Finland, they call November marraskuu, which translates as "the month of the dead. Literally translated marraskuu means a dead month. Komission asetus (EY) N:o #/#, annettu # päivänä. Finnish roundwood sales in November: shortage of year-round felling stands. 1. november translation in Slovenian-Finnish dictionary. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers. 86 Koska nämä kaksi perustaa ovat kuitenkin itsenäisiä, vaikka oletettaisiin toteen näytetyksi, että kantajan menettelyllisiä oikeuksia on loukattu alkuperäisen ehdotuksen osalta, tällä voitaisiin oikeuttaa riidanalaisten toimien kumoaminen yksinomaan, jos lisäksi näytettäisiin toteen, että pelkästään 1.10. ja, Die erste der vier Einzahlungen in den Garantiefonds erfolgte im August, die zweite im, Vuoden neljästä määrärahasiirrosta ensimmäinen suoritettiin rahastolle elokuussa, toinen. News | 9/5/2010. 86 Since those two bases are autonomous, an infringement of the applicant’s procedural rights in relation to the initial proposal, even if established, could only justify annulment of the contested measures if it, the information disclosed on 1 October and 18, 2009 was incapable, by itself, of providing a. of the restrictive measures against the applicant. In the inland regions of southern and central Finland, the first snow falls at the beginning of December and melts during late March and April. In Finnish language November is marraskuu. Einseitige Erklärung der Europäischen Union bei Genehmigung des Haager Übereinkommens vom 23. Die bunten Blätter, die den Herbst so farbenfroh und fröhlich machten, sind schon lange von den Bäumen gefallen und der Schnee lässt noch auf sich warten. marraskuu Finnish; Discuss this November English translation with the community: 0 Comments. Report inappropriate content . Sinä salaat jotain.Jotain mitä et halua päästää tämän huoneen ulkopuolelle. #/# der Kommission vom #. a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Greece that is violently opposed to imperialism and capitalism and NATO and the United States; an active terrorist group during the 1980s November" – Finnish-English dictionary and search engine for Finnish translations. In … Finnish autumn is relatively long. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The fall is primarily due to strong sales activity earlier this year and the industry’s rapidly rising cost of wood raw materials. As the city prepares for a cold winter, average daily highs reach just above freezing at 2°C, while the average low is as cold as -2°C. As the banner in Helsinki indicated, September to November are the worst times to visit the Finnish cities due to the amount of ice and slush on the ground, the reduced hours of daylight and fewer things to do. 1|vuoden yhdestoista kuukausi, kuukausi lokakuun ja joulukuun välissä. (Nu 13:23) The harvest had generally been completed by the month of Ethanim, or Tishri, (September-October), although olives might, still be gathered in northern Galilee in the month of Bul, or Heshvan (Marheshvan) (October-, European Parliament and of the Council of 27. November 1 . Cookies help us deliver our services. All Saints' Day in Sweden and Finland is celebrated on Saturday between October 31 and November 6. 1|vuoden yhdestoista kuukausi, kuukausi lokakuun ja joulukuun välissä. 32 Abs. The letter N in the ICAO spelling alphabet. 11. november translation in Slovenian-Finnish dictionary. Ferner sei es nach der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofs für das Vorliegen eines eindeutigen grenzüberschreitenden Interesses nicht erforderlich, dass ein Wirtschaftsteilnehmer tatsächlich sein Interesse bekundet habe (Urteil vom 14. Euroopan unionin yksipuolinen julistus, joka annetaan lasten ja muiden perheenjäsenten elatusavun kansainvälisestä perinnästä 23 päivänä. Kyseinen päätös (jäljempänä riidanalainen päätös) annettiin tiedoksi kantajalle. Publish By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Happy Sunday, readers! 1 Unterabs. The summer pretty much ends in August and there are three long months before winter really starts. Open menu. November Group (Marraskuun ryhmä) was an association of Finnish expressionist artists, gathered around Tyko Sallinen. When The White Reindeer (Finnish: Valkoinen peura) was released in 1952, it immediately gained recognition worldwide, garnering an award for Best Fairy Tale Film at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival and winning a Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film in 1957.It’s a horror film that draws its inspiration from early Finnish mythology and the shamanism of the Sami people of Lapland, in Northern Finland. Hotel Yllasrinne is a basic, budget-friendly but comfortable place to stay in Lapland. Der Gerichtshof hat nämlich gestützt auf die Regel Nr. 7. Säännöstä hallinnollisia menoja koskevien ennakkositoumusten enimmäismäärästä olisi tarkistettava siten, että sillä tarkoitetaan määrärahoja, joista budjettivallan käyttäjä on päättänyt. against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Communities (the basic Regulation) by Eurometaux (the complainant) on behalf of a producer representing a major proportion, in this case more than 50 %, of the total Community production of certain tungsten electrodes. Get the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) updates for Finland with current travel advice, statistics and online resources.. Below are average maximum temperatures at popular destinations in Finland in November. Language acquisition and revision exercise to assist you set appointments and meetings, book tickets, or to express the day of the week you wish to do something. the European Parliament calls on the Commission to develop a financial programme to stimulate renewable energy; whereas, in its abovementioned resolution of 15 May 1997 the European Parliament calls for attention to be paid to the possibility of coordinating policies and initiatives in the sphere of energy saving and energy efficiency in order to develop potential existing synergies and avoid duplication of efforts wherever possible, and whereas, in its abovementioned resolution of 18 June 1998, the European Parliament calls for a Charter on Renewable Energies (EURENEW) to be drawn up; laatua ja kokoa koskevien vähimmäisvaatimusten noudattaminen, This report gives a general overview of the, States have implemented Council Directive 93/104/EC of 23, 1993 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of, the infringement from 27 February 1996 to 3. eight months, that starting amount was increased by 35% (recitals 465 and 466 to the contested decision).