Ten or more sets per muscle group per week worked better than 5-9 sets. This meant that both groups did the same number of sets for each muscle group, but it … Full Body Option #1. In Colbert's time, the norm was 3 sets per body part. He explained that after 3 sets, lifters would often drop the weights like they were on fire because they believed that doing more than 3 would make their muscles shrink. However, the number of studies to look at the impact of more than 10 weekly sets were few and far between. And 5-9 sets worked better than four sets or less. i was thinking 4 sets 6-8 reps a piece...3 days a week workout. Remember your GPO Principle and never increase Frequency, Intensity, Time or Type by more than 5% per workout and never more than one factor at a time. However, many Advanced Bodybuilders will do 3 or more sets of 5 or more exercises/body part. How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group? If you were to improve on one set with each passing workout, it would do more for your muscle building efforts than if you did 15 sets for that same muscle group with no improvement. Intensity refers to load lifted while volume defines total work completed per session or week. It really depends, but for beginners all you need is three exercises. This is what builds muscle size, not doing 15 or 20 sets per body part with no real improvement from workout to workout. Barbell Squats, 3 sets 5 reps each set; Bench Press, 3 sets 5 reps each set; Deadlifts, 3 sets 5 reps each set Large Muscle Groups: 90 to 120 weekly repetitions divided into three workouts; 30 to 40 repetitions per workout; 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions per … The problem with full body training is that you eventually get to the point where you are using a lot of weight in the movements, especially the squats, deadlifts, bentover rows, military presses etc. Why don't I give you some good workout options? This full body workout plan is actually two complete total body workouts that you can follow as a 30 day full body program to build strength and muscle mass. This is necessary because you will not be able to do several exercises for each muscle group when training the whole body. Those doing the full body workouts did a total of 11 exercises, and 1-2 sets per exercise. If you can only find time to workout 3 days per week, 3 full body workouts is one of the most often recommended (and effective) ways to do it. Compound exercises allow you to work a greater amount of muscle mass per workout. CALL TO … There wasn’t enough research to draw any solid conclusions as to what the effect of higher training volumes might be. how many sets should I do for a full body to start working out... all the guides are different...some say 3 others say 6, etc. Nevertheless, Colbert went against the grain, started doing 6 sets per body … Successful body building combines proper intensity and training volume for optimal muscle growth. They will maximize the amount of muscle you build with the full body workout. If you choose the full-body workout routine, you’ll be exercising each muscle group three times per week. Due to the inverse relationship between intensity and volume, sets per body-part must balance both factors. It’s a time saver. When using a full body workout routine, you will be limiting the number of exercises per muscle group to one or two at the most. For beginners, it is widely agreed upon that full body training is the MOST effective way to train. If you did, you would end up performing as many as 50 sets in one workout. and doing that for 3 sets is tiring and your last set in each movement is going to be compromised. The Full Body Workout.