Karmic & Soul Mate Connections in Astrology . In fact, the two of them had to go through significant lengths just to be together. Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry /composite/ Davison • Each aspect is worth 1 point. The asteroid Eros plays a role in sexual attraction as well. Psyche-Eros contacts indicate the potential for soul-mate union. This is a list of the 88 Soulmate Links in Astrology – they are scanned for and delineated in the Soulmating Astrology report, available here.. Don’t be disheartened if you and the person of your interest have only a few. his south node conjunct my sun exact, his ascendant conjuncts mine with our Pluto conjunct each ascendant and our vertex conjunct as well. There is a sense of attraction that goes beyond “yum”, rendering us into a kind of silent, ecstatic awe. Moon in own 7 th house overlaying other’s 1 st house. … IP: Logged. Transformation whether taboo or not. What about Eros opposite Psyche / Psyche opposite Eros in synastry?-----Leo with Scorpio Rising & Moon in Taurus. CHART A TO CHART B SUN, MOON, VENUS (0 120) TO CHART B However EROS AND PSYCHE are first and foremost. Reply. i figure this makes eros an important asteroid for him. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. His Eros her psyche conjunction point conjunct IC- MC axis (His IC her MC) 30. Eros in the zodiac signs… Eros in Aries. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. So I look to being both together as close as possible. If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. This is the powerful place of centre which can hold the opposite or dual forces of life and the human quest for union. I have found that when someone’s personal planets make strong aspects to someone else’s natal Eros, a strong sexual bond and attraction is indicated. The following two tables show the position of Eros and Psyche by sign. little synastry things lunarcappy: “ HOW TO NAVIGATE TO THE SYNASTRY ASPECT TABLE ON ASTRO.COM if its not on the table, it doesn’t form an aspect. Soulmate Astrology. EROS TO PSYCHE is who we draw in and result in. Lilith aspects in synastry are loaded with intrigue, obsession and more importantly, a dark magnetism, which makes them one of the most mysterious aspects found in a synastry chart. Simply find your date of birth in the Eros table to determine the sign Eros was in when you were born. Courtney Love Has Eros with Mercury on her Leo Midheaven. It may be easy to underplay, or even dismiss altogether, … At least, at first it can. The pluto mars connection indicates overwhelming passion and intensity, due to a raw, powerful, sexual energy which permeates between the couple. “Synastry is the batter, The Composite chart is the cake” A combination method of the birthcharts of two people, layered over eachother (the signs must be in same place). Pamela Anderson has Eros with the Moon in Aries and opposite Mars, in aspect to Mercury, and trine Venus; Justin Timberlake has Eros sitting with Venus in Capricorn, in hard aspect to Pluto. Currently, it would seem that our Uranus opposition is taking its toll. You don’t say whether this is a synastric aspect between charts or in a single natal chart, so, synastry first: since Eros and Psyche were happily married, this could be one interpretive suggestion, though beware jealous and possessive mothers-in-law, catty sisters, and hot oil lamps. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. Psyche's tale begins when she is in early womanhood, and brings her to an uncharted place, where she is not sure of anyone or anything. In mythology they were husband and wife. The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. I’ve found that the Eros person has a “crush” on the planet person. No matter what else is going on with this other person, it can seem like somewhere, somehow, intimately or creatively, they are the ONE! However, the harder aspects, square and opposites, can manifest outside the bedroom as emotional arguments and hurt feelings, while the more delicate aspects indicate supportive energies between the two. Psyche conjunct Eros, tends to lend itself to intense passions and desires in relationships, the Psyche person’s ego is often flattered by the desire the Eros person has for them if they have mutual Eros aspects it tends to make the relationship more balanced. in synastry, his eros squares my psyche by 7° (that's a *little* losse for a square), so i guess i was wondering if i should count that, too. Kobe's 'Mr. I met someone over the summer, and we have a few oppositions: His Saturn & Sun opposite my Uranus (this one is the biggie) His Venus & North Node oppposite my Jupiter His Jupiter opposite my Mercury. Psyche ultimately won Eros back, married him, was granted immortality, and became a goddess in her own right. Heart Electricity Is Stronger Than Brain Voltage. Psyche is also connecting so often when you find Psyche connections in synastry they feel divine and made in heaven. Wherever these two asteroids meet in synastry, there is a soul mate connection. Keep visiting for the next article on Asteroid Eros in Your Natal Chart and Synastry! What does this mean for me? In synastry, Psyche contacts describe points of intuitive knowing—and understanding—or total lack thereof—between individuals. In fact, the two of them had to go through significant lengths just to be together. 8/6/2017 14:16:19. Psyche in contact to Eros by synastry can feel like love sent from heaven, delivered by the angel of our dreams. Pilot Man' is now blamed for his death Psyche is the goddess of the soul. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are best. 31. Eros Synastry Aspects: The asteroid, Eros, represents erotic love, sex, passion and intimacy. You know what I'm talking about. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are best. Psyche Opposite Eros, mutually intense passions are at play in this relationship this is an intense attraction that pulls both towards each other. But even the Eros/Psyche conjunction in composite can’t make up for say, a Mars square Saturn or a Moon opposite Pluto aspect in synastry. Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. Eros, god of erotic love, represents the principle of passionate desire. Think of her as your inner temptress that is living in the shadows of your psyche. In synastry, Psyche contacts describe points of intuitive knowing—and understanding—or total lack thereof—between individuals. Greek mythology introduced Eros as the God of sexual love and desire. Next: Synastry Books Compared . Psyche-Eros contacts indicate the potential for soul-mate union. When Zeus found in Psyche’s favor (see the full account of Psyche, Eros, ... Ceres synastry. Her Eros his psyche conjunction point overlaying 1-7 house axis (Her 1 st and his 7 th) 29. (16) Psyche & (433) Eros (5731) Zeus & (103) Hera (37117) Narcissus & (60) Echo (2174) Asmodeus & (1181) Lilith LeeLoo. say eros gemini and psyche sagittarius. This shows how the people interact and relate with eachother. i … • Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). However, it’s recommended to do an individual birthchart analysis before analyzing the Synastry This is an indicator of great sex, too! Things to look for in Synastry: Feel The Rhythm: Ascendant Connections. Eros/Psyche (433/16): the ... How do oppositions with asteroids play out in synastry? Hence, this synastry pairing is very much like the Union of Opposites: In alchemical terms, this is called the conjuctio. Eros and Psyche were fated lovers in Greek Mythology, Eros is also known as Cupid and is actually Venus's son. Eros/Psyche MP Awakens desire to merge, sexual energy is intense, deep and emotive. eros seems to be important for me, too, because it is also conjunct my mercry by 5°. Check to see if any of these asteroids come up in aspect in synastry or in your chart - the asteroid numbers are included for you. Some astrologers are studying the role of asteroids in astrology. Eros-Psyche: Eros and Psyche are natural mates. The inner marriage is the union between opposites: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, spirit and soul, or heaven and earth. Never underestimate the power of the Ascendant! Eros is the god of erotic love and Psyche is the goddess of the soul. Part 2. Strong connections between the asteroids Eros and Psyche in synastry point to a powerful romantic and sexual relationship Luminary overlaying other’s 1 st or 7 th house (His sun in her 7 th house, her moon in his 1 st house) 32. Eros-Psyche: Eros and Psyche are natural mates. The guy I just started seeing has his Eros conjunct my psyche exact and my Eros conjunct his psyche by 4 degrees (I know it’s wide but come on!!) I usually use Eros, Psyche and Amor in synastry (and like with most asteroids, I use a range of about +/- 3 degrees, the tighter the better). Hi Dani :) Oppositions are emblematic for romantic relationships, since one important part of a good romantic connection comes from Yin/Yang polarities. Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009: posted May 21, 2010 07:35 PM ^Lol had this with someone attraction was pretty strong, but could contribute that to our venus opp uranus (1 degree) and other aspects. The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. You Asked For It——The Ten Darkest Asteroids in Synastry. PSYCHE TO EROS, this is who and what we really need to make us happy. My love and I have many opposites. The position of Eros and Psyche in partners natal chart can help us to understand the synastry and chemsitry between the two. If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. Unfortunately they had go through many trials and tribulations before they could settle down into wedded bliss. Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. The synastry aspect is interesting, too. … Psyche square Eros, this can be very dynamic and intense like a tango both partners often swap places with one chasing and retreating only to be chased by the other both being compelled to dance with each other. They always carry a universal quality to them. Prince has his Eros in Pisces square Sun and Saturn. Then, scroll down to the Psyche table to find the sign Psyche was in when you were born. The guy I just started seeing has his Eros conjunct my psyche exact and my Eros conjunct his psyche by 4 degrees (I know it’s wide but come on!!) Because they had to test their love over and over again, their bond was rock solid. We met on Twitter and agreed to start dating the very same day we talked. I don’t think any asteroid can really “make up” for poorly aspected Moons. What does that mean? In particular, many astrologers consider a Psyche-Eros contact as indicative of soulmate material. mintgirl123 Knowflake . Psyche's story is in essence every woman's story. IP: Logged. Mars Pluto: This synastry aspect is HOT! Then to finish the list, I go back again and look for regular synastry aspects. In synastry, Psyche gives you the insight into the other person's mind depending upon the planet she touches. Today, Eros is used to describe that feeling between two people who are just dying to f*ck. The thing is that you could have this conjunction in composite and everything else goes to shit, especially if there’s some strong Lilith interaction in the chart. His moon conjunct my Uranus. • Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. Mythologically, Eros … Eros 433 & Psyche 16 Synastry of desire 4 comments. Thanks.