An inconsistent outlier doesn't change that. And while Palpatine never survived anything like Salem’s castle exploding, he has proven he can deflect multiple attacks on his own. That's like saying landing a push mid-fight doesn't indicate comparability, since Ahsoka did it to Grievous. 1 Enemies 1.1 Sheev Palpatine 1.2 Obi-Wan Kenobi 1.3 Hondo Ohnaka 1.4 Ahsoka Tano 1.5 Ezra Bridger 1.6 Kanan Jarrus 1.7 The Inquisitors Main article: Sheev Palpatine Palpatine aka Darth Sidious kidnapped Maul from his mother when he was young to raise and train him to be his apprentice. Clone Wars TV show era Darth Maul.Rise of Skywalker Rey.. Character overview. He also appears in the Star Wars Legends continuity, which is no longer official canon as of the 2014 reboot. At best and highest interpretations they're slightly stronger in the force than the likes of Obi-Wan or Maul. Wiz: Though she could keep up with Ozma who could eventually move faster than a blur, Palpatine was so fast that even Darth Vader who could reach Mach 50,000 speeds called him a blur! While the films largely omitted the Clone Wars, the cartoon examined the full depth of the confrontation between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists. As a result, a fight broke out between the three Sith Lords. Darth Maul as he appears in The Phantom Menace. KEEP READING: Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Most Divisive Arc Is Better Than You Remember. Darth Maul fell to pieces the first time he fought a … also ragdolls a bunch of force sensitives with a force sensitives in some form of rage, similar here intentionally, note he doesn't even seem to gesture. He can not.. And BOTH Yoda AND OBI WAN himself SAID SO both in the movie and the book Revenge of the Sith. @rgr: Except Vader allowed it to happen because he was letting them escape. By Ian Goodwillie Jan 16, 2021 @the_institution: Because that gave the Jedi the opportunity to escape, which he didn't want. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. But even with this weapon, Palpatine simply proved too much for Maul, despite his skills. Vader was pushed by Ezra & Kanan and they are not comparable to him. Scheming, powerful, and evil to the core, Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. The relationships of of Maul. Darth Sidious, also known as The Emperor, but whose real name is Sheev Palpatine, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars media franchise. @the_institution: He used the Ghost, but it still doesn't mean he wanted the Jedi to survive, and the above captions from show that he didn't. Darth Maul famously lost his epic fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) in The Phantom Menace, tumbling in two parts down an open shaft, ostensibly to his end. Trying to "finish off Ezra" doesn't mean he was going all out on them from the start. I'm not sure how clear it is the importance of raw power vs skill in Canon. Sith operate using the Rule of Two, meaning there are only allowed to be two members of the Order at one time. The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels both focused on this aspect of Maul and his hunt for Palpatine, yet there's still room for a glimmer of possibility about a deeper Force connection between himself and Kenobi. @rgr: He couldn't have killed the Jedi because he needed the crew to escape. 1 DESCRIPTION 2 INTRODUCTION 3 EMPEROR PALPATINE 4 SALEM 5 DEATH BATTLE 6 PRE-FIGHT 7 FIGHT 8 K.O. No.. Tyranus was often the face and the voice of Palpatine’s master plans for galactic domination, having recruited Jango Fett to create the Republic’s Clone Army and founding the corrupt corporate oligarchy, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, for the clones and Jedi to fight. Amazing everything you just said is wrong, Obi-Wan lasted against Maul because he was toying with him and Obi-Wan got a rage amp. He is the immensely powerful Dark Lord of the Sith order and later the ruler of the Galactic Empire. Rey ragdolls him, even Kylo as a padawan had better feats than Maul. He doesn't know Hera and we can only speculate as to what her reaction would be. What follows is the answer to a question plenty of fans have asked over the years: What if Darth Vader fought Darth Maul? He never went to Mandalor to kill Maul. Sith operate using the Rule of Two, meaning there are only allowed to be two members of the Order at one time. A better match would be TPM Kenobi, and that could go either way. A human male, Sheev Palpatine was born to a very influential family on the Mid Rim world of Naboo around 84 years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Mandalorian's Cara Dune Spinoff Was Scrapped After Gina Carano Controversy in November. DARTH MAUL WAS THE BEST: He Had Horns And Tattoos. Palpatine arrived in the throne room of Mandalore to find both Darth Maul and his own apprentice, his brother Savage Opress. Darth Maul fell to pieces the first time he fought a … Rey's best force feats IN COMBAT was just stopping Kylo's lightsaber and force reflecting some blaster shots. He even says it in the episode after beating down Maul. Maul one-shots. Until then, it's only an inconsistent theory. His use of vapad would make the fight play out similair to windu vs palpatine. @rgr: Why wouldn't he allow them to push him? In the fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise, Palpatine is a master manipulator and "phantom menace". 6 Conclusion Wiz: Star Wars is a very popular series of movies and has lots of great heroes...and Villians. Because of the series, fans got to see a whole lot more of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's time in the war, and Darth Maul was allowed to prove himself as one of the franchise's greatest villains. @the_institution: did you not read my comment?? The fight between Maul, Savage and Palpatine delivered intense choreography, and it reached a surprising end when the future Emperor slayed Maul's brother, a twist on Maul's very own fight with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace. Maul should win on skill regardless of Rey's power. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 Episode 16 The Lawless [1080p] @the_institution: you’re a PT wanker and grossly overrate the era. Suite of the theme of the battle between Maul, Savage and Darth Sidious from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kylo was fighting for his life, Vader wasn't. While Maul's achievements were impressive, they were beginning to interfere with Palpatine's elaborate plan, and he had to put a stop to his former apprentice's schemes. As far as anyone knew, Palpatine had no family of which to speak. He even slowly pulls Ezra's lightsaber to the throat as if it was a difficult task to perform when he's killed stronger opponents quicker. @the_institution: Anakin , Luke , Rey , and Kylo all shit on that notion . Anakin v Dooku in AOTC is similar in how Anakin with less than a decade of training shits on Obi-Wan’s to an embarrassing degree. @rgr: Or maybe Vader realized he was dominating them to easy and didn't want to drag things out too long since he wanted to kill the other rebel cell. There's no indication he wanted the Jedi to survive. Additionally, Kenobi is of the Light Side and Maul … Just like Kylo was distracted making a Force attack of his own. The relationships of of Maul. Now, I'm not saying they normally would be able to Force push him, but in that moment he was distracted by the explosion and couldn't counter the move. Yoda is like 900 years old and Palpatine is like an infant to him comparatively and Sids won, Experience or skill <<<< force connection. Ever the pra… RELATED: Star Wars: What Happens To Rex Between The Clone Wars & Rebels. A one-stop shop for all things video games. How Palpatine, Darth Maul and Vader Dominated Star Wars Celebration. He is an avid statue and Funko Pop! Close. Otherwise known as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. @lord_tenebrous: @ubercoffeetime: Very interesting; I literally never noticed that the Knights were using the Force against Kylo in that scene. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. When Kirak in turn attacks Vader with the Force, he's weaker so he only succeeds in sliding him a bit: Staggering or shoving someone with the Force happens when you aren't powerful enough to penetrate their defenses, but you are still strong enough to pressure them. As for Palpatine, he summoned not one but two lightsabers. Ffs he freezes two Inquistors in comics with the force at the same time. Doesn't mean he's anywhere near them. Darth Vader Killed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Heaven! Star Wars Theory: Darth Maul's Biggest Failure Was Part of the Plan Palpatine's grand designs have shaped Star Wars since day one, but his earliest failure may have been part of the plan. Mace windu clear winner 9/10 times. Though appearing to be a well-intentioned senator and supporter of democracy before becoming emperor, Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious, the dark lord of the Sith—a cult of practitioners of the dark side of the Force—and master of Darth Maul and Count Dooku. Palpatine arrived in the throne room of Mandalore to find both Darth Maul and his own apprentice, his brother Savage Opress. Up to this point in Star Wars, the two … Except it's not a theory, it's established canonical fact. If someone isn't as powerful as you, and they use the Force on you, they won't be able to ragdoll you. Darth Vader Killed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. In a force battle power isn't the only factor to take into consideration. It is best demonstrated by the following instances. It truly was one of the craziest and most unexpected fight scenes from The Clone Wars, and it continued to deepen the mystery -- and might -- of the ultimate villain of the Skywalker Saga. Now that he was sitting on the throne of Mandalore, Maul set a trap for Obi-Wan Kenobi in the episode, "The Lawless." In the Jedi Temple's communication room Obi-Wa… He is a Feature, Comic Breakouts and News writer. Wiz: Darth Sidious, the most evil and most powerful Sith in the Galaxy. However, with Maul rising in power, Palpatine had no choice but to do something he rarely does: get involved directly. No, it doesn't indicate comparability. Star Wars vs. Dept. After Maul bested Death Watch's leader Pre Vizsla in combat, the Sith Lord was successful in his endeavor. Starting distance of 20 yards, to the death. With CBR, he has been able to write about his favorite subjects, from the MCU to Doctor Who. If Maul and Ahsoka get to Coruscant around the same time Anakin is figuring out Palpatine is a Sith Lord, they could perhaps at least prevent some … Though he supposedly died on Naboo at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he resurfaced years later, having survived through his sheer hatred. @rgr: Vader doesn't need all of them to survive, but he obviously needs them to escape. Palpatine was looking for a powerful apprentice in the force until he sensed something on the planet of Dathomir. He is the one responsible for the near-extinction of the Jedi, the cause of the Clone Warsand the creation of the Galactic Empire. Ever since Darth Maul revealed his double-bladed lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, people have debated if the Sith Lord was more powerful than the Star Wars saga's ultimate villain, Darth Vader. This will be a Force only battle - no other weaponry. Recognizing his old master, Maul sought approval, but he only found aggression. RELATED: Rogue One & Solo Were Made For Star Wars TV Fans. He also froze Ezra like he did to those Inquisitors, don't see your point. @rgr: I take it the person who wrote that didn't see the episode because if he wanted to kill them he had plenty of openings to do so. How Palpatine, Darth Maul and Vader Dominated Star Wars Celebration. If you watched the episode instead of some random irrelevant captions on an image you would know he used the Ghost to track them to the other Rebels. And because of this, the series delivered one of the craziest lightsaber duels to take place not just on the show, but in the entire Star Wars franchise. Darth Sidious (born as Sheev Palpatine) was a Sith Lord and the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. There are over a dozen instances in this three minute scene where Vader pauses repeatedly instead of taking a killing blow. Not only was the fight exciting because of the characters involved, it was also elevated by the fact that every character had different weapons: Savage was armed with his double-bladed lightsaber, while Maul had one half of his signature weapon. Ian Cardona has written for CBR since 2017. How tf is someone with just a years experience on par with the strongest Jedi who have been in thousands of battles and killed over 100,000 battle droids (Mace Windu and Obi-Wan), Kylo was staggered by 2 Knights of Ren, indicating comparability. All are bloodlusted and have perfect teamwork. During the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Maul tracked the vessel of Queen Padmé Amidala to Tatooine, where it landed for repairs after escaping Naboo. In Season 5 of The Clone Wars, Darth Maul joined forces with his brother Savage Opress and the Mandalorian terrorist group known as Death Watch to claim the planet of Mandalore in their name. Maul trained hard under Sidious, whom Maul gained some sense of attachment … 0 comments. Darth Sidious wielding both lightsabers on Mandalore. And if you look at the literal Gulf of difference in experience between Yoda and Sidious to see that force connection has always had more of a hand in who wins in battle than “skill”. And yet, the duel didn't stop there. Darth Sidious, born as Sheev Palpatine and also known as the Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. DARTH MAUL WAS THE BEST: He Had Horns And Tattoos. With his brother gone, Maul added a second weapon to his arsenal: the Darksaber. In 19 BBY, Darth Sidious carried both of these lightsabers when he secretly traveled to Mandalore to confront Darth Maul and his apprentice Savage Opress.He wielded both weapons in the ensuing duel, separating the pair and effortlessly dispatching and killing Opress. figures collector, and he's rapidly running out of shelf space. When someone hurls you with the Force, or otherwise ragdolls you, that's generally an indication of superiority. Which cloaked, shadowy, evil mastermind from Sci-Fi and Fantasy will beat the other for total domination and "POWER! Like Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Count Dooku, Boba Fett and many, many more. Although his only major appearance in the movies was in The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul left a lasting impression on audiences. As they flee in speeders, they are chased by several Mandalorian super commandos. Character overview. Clone Wars TV show era Darth Maul. The Sith Lord we do see is of course Darth Sidious, his apprentice, who also had an apprentice, Darth Maul. share. Sidious arrived on the planet to find a young boy named Maul in the care of a witch named Mother Talzin. Rise of Skywalker Rey. It's the same reason why the Rebels escaped the Death Star and Cloud City. Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Gevious (canon) vs Emporer Palpatine (Legends) Battle. Just how it is. Canon feats only (novels and comics allowed, in addition to the TV show and movies). Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Show the proof that it's a canonical fact. As a result, a fight broke out between the three Sith Lords. Before his first birthday, Talzin gave Maul and his brother Opress their first tattoos. And they duel, Palpatine's two lightsabers to Maul's single blade and Pre Vizsla's sword. Rey is weaker than Kylo who in turn has been telekinetically pressured by Inquisitor-level fodder. Vader isn't some honest fighter and one of his iconic traits is giving his opponents false hope. Darth Maul. ... Darth Maul will also have a new costume for Clone Wars that’s more in the vein of the one he wore in Solo. Ever since Darth Maul took center stage in the most recent Clone Wars arc, we've been waiting for Chancellor Palpatine to step out of the shadows and school Maul as Darth Sidious. Rey is more powerful and when pressed will just fry Maul. He's responsible for destroying the Jedi Order, orchestrating the Clone Wars and turning Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 Episode 16 The Lawless [1080p] Vader is more powerful than Ahsoka, so when he attacks her with the Force, he succeeds in hurling her: On the other hand, when Ahsoka attacks Vader with the Force, she's only able to push him, because she is weaker: Likewise, when Vader attacks Kirak Infil'a with the Force, he is more powerful so he succeeds in strangling him. Maul accidentally getting shocked by Palpatine. Instead -- if they are comparable -- they will accomplish something lesser, like staggering or shoving you. Unless Az has a method to compare 52 BBY Palpatine to that version of Plagueis, because TPM Maul should be superior to that version of Palpatine TCW Maul beats him though, based on his battle against Sidious, even though it was a stomp, Maul still managed to hold on for some amount of time( like Anakin enraged vs Count Dooku) The boy who would become known as Darth Maul was born the son of Mother Talzin on Dathomir. Moving along chronologically, Palpatine went through Darth Maul to Count Dooku before settling down for the next several decades on Darth Vader. Recognizing his old master, Maul sought approval, but he only found aggression. He would use the seething rage pouring out of maul against him, and as mauls force power was so much weaker than windu’s it would be an undisputed win for windu. The latest episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars has finally revealed Darth Maul’s intentions for occupying Mandalore and setting a trap for Obi-Wan and Anakin. DARTH MAUL is the key to the only person who can defeat Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker, according to a new fan theory. Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Boomstick: Such as Darth Maul, the coolest looking Star … @ubercoffeetime: Their slight power advantage doesn't make up for their significant disadvantage in skill and experience with the force. If you want to go against official sources I can't stop you, just know that Vader allowing himself to be pushed is not a canonical fact. Maul clearly has the latter over Rey and Kylo in spades so the question is whether or not that is enough to take the W. A lot of the arguments being used for Reylo apply equally to Dooku, but I'm not sure the same people making them would so readily give either the edge over Dooku. There's also Ezra and Kanan pushing Vader. @the_institution: He wanted to kill the Jedi, so if he didn't want to drag things out he could just go all out, given he was already dominating them easily. You can follow him on Twitter at @ian_c1701 (yes, that is a Star Trek reference) for discussions, debates or pictures of really cool collectibles he probably doesn't have room for. He also appears in the Star Wars Legends continuity, which is no longer official canon as of the 2014 reboot. Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Gevious (canon) vs Emporer Palpatine (Legends) Battle. Death Battle by DBDoctor13. Starting distance of 20 yards, to the death. The evil Sith Lord demonstrated how skilled a fighter he was by combining Force attacks with his eerie fighting style. @the_institution: Anakin , Luke , Rey , and Kylo all shit on that notion . Way better than not accomplishing one of his goals. But to say he allowed the Jedi to push him is a different thing altogether, considering he's been confirmed to be trying to destroy them. If Ezra and Kanan die then Hela would have froze and the Stormtroopers would have caught them. The weapon utilized a synth-crystalas the focusing crystal. Their advantage isn't really slight though, its pretty glaring. During the events of Episode 1, Darth Plagueis is still alive, although he is never mentioned or seen on screen (Plagueis wasn't killed until Palpatine was Chancellor). Bo-Katan and the others hold them off, but finally the speeder is shot down, and the Duchess is taken by the commandos, but not before sending a hologram message to the Jedi asking for help from Obi-Wan Kenobipersonally. Contending that anyone can push anyone is vastly inconsistent within the wider lore. Instead, Darth Maul is brought back closer to the events just before Star Wars: A New Hope for one specific purpose: to kill Darth Vader and assume his place at Emperor Palpatine's side. @the_institution: He wasn't going all out, that is true. Kylo was staggered by 2 Knights of Ren, indicating comparability: Similar to how Vader was able to overpower Kirak Infil'a and strangle him, and when Kirak used his own power, he wasn't able to overwhelm Vader, but he did pressure him: The Kylo and Ren wank is out of control tbh. ... Darth Maul will also have a new costume for Clone Wars that’s more in the vein of the one he wore in Solo. Qui-Gon dies to Maul and Obi-wan despite having at best 1/2 of his master’s training( from an inferior trainer ) does better and ultimately triumphs . @the_institution: Apparent openings can be due to scene execution, just like Obi-Wan had an apparent opening to defeat Dooku here and didn't take it: Vader might have also been playing with his food, even if he didn't want his food to push him and subsequently escape. In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Season 5 episode "The Lawless," the animated series delivered the craziest lightsaber duel between a trio of Sith. The whole of the weapon possessed a refined and elegant electrum finish. Obi -Wan Qui-Gon v Maul stuff this notion as well. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Up to this point in Star Wars, the two … Emperor Palpatine / Darth Sidious The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and Sheev Palpatine is the most infamous follower of its doctrines. More, it reminded us that while we know the character, there is still very little we understand about where he came from, or how he became this powerful. His favorite Avenger is Captain America, and that was long before the character starred in a very successful film franchise. Though appearing to be a well-intentioned senator and supporter of democracy before becoming emperor, Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious, the dark lord of the Sith—a cult of practitioners of the dark side of the Force—and master of Darth Maul and Count Dooku. This led to the return of popular characters, the introduction of new fan-favorites and some truly epic moments to rival any of the big-screen episodes. He has no business competing with elites like Maul. But some of the more "Newer" ones are very popular as well. Which feat(s) does Kylo have as a padawan that outstrip Maul's? Darth Maul & Sheev Palpatine (4) Hego Damask | Darth Plagueis & Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious (3) Dooku & Qui-Gon Jinn (2) Dooku | Darth Tyranus & Palpatine | Darth Sidious (2) Hego Damask | Darth Plagueis/Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious (2) Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker (1) And if you look at the literal Gulf of difference in experience between Yoda and Sidious to see that force connection has always had more of a hand in who wins in battle than “skill”. Here, the episode delivered yet another inventive new addition to lightsaber duels by having Maul and Palpatine face one another both armed with two sabers -- one of them dark. The son of Mother Talzin, he was trained by Sidious as a Sith assassin and became an incredibly skilled duelist. Being a patron of the arts, Darth Sidious designed his original weapon with a high level of craftsmanship, clearly influenced by the Sith Lord's love of antiquity. Master Xehanort vs. Darth Sidious is a What-If Death Battle created by Venage237.This fan made Death Battle features Master Xehanort from the Kingdom Hearts series, and Darth Sidious from the Star Wars series, in which both franchises are owned by Disney. also ragdolls a bunch of force sensitives with a force sensitives in some form of rage & similar here intentionally, note he doesn't even seem to gesture. He is the one responsible for the near-extinction of the Jedi, the cause of the Clone Warsand the creation of the Galactic Empire. 1 Introduction 2 Darth Maul 3 Kylo Ren 4 Intermission 5 DEATH BATTLE! The fact that he I don't know not dispatching them like he does to other Rebels in the comics mean he was in fact toying with them. As supervising director Dave Filoni commented on Darth Maul's return last year, "There’s a lot of ground that has not been covered as far as Darth Maul is concerned, so there’s a lot of room to grow with him."