So most men get a tiny patch … 5413554136 So I got a haircut today and noticed a bit of scalp showing where my cowlick normally is. The hair grows outward in a circular, flattened pattern giving teh appearance of a thin/bald spot. 24M. The technique of laser cap treatment falls into a very genuine medical class considered low-level light treatment. Is this just a large cowlick or a potential bald spot? A small bald spot in the center of your spiral on your crown is normal. If there isn't any history then chances are it's just a cowlick. According to the new clinical studies the appearance of a sudden bald spot … The cowlick area of ones scalp can sometimes look thin just because of the fact that you can see scalp due to the direction change of the hair in that area. Coping with hair loss starts with accepting the situation and then being proactive about addressing it. Went to a dermatologist who didn't think it was anything yet, albeit he … Have had some thinning generally over years, but hairline has stayed mature. A bald spot can be an alarming experience, especially if you’re in your 20s or 30s. … While most women lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair per day, this hair is usually quickly replaced by new growth. Cowlicks can normally give the illusion of a thinning spot, just how they are, my friend who has no male pattern baldness as two of them so it looks like he has two bald spots going on in certain lighting. Hi, I have a cowlick on the back top of my head (crown). I never really paid much attention to my crown until some of my friends and coworkers started pointing at the back of my head and screaming, "Dude you have so many bald spots!" How's your family history in relation to male pattern baldness? Authorized by the FDA in 2007 as a treatment for hair loss, the … The only way to tell for sure if this is … But unluckily it is the most common condition in women. In more than 90% of cases, hair grows back and fills the bald spot within one year, even without treatment. However, recurrences are common, and most people have several episodes of the … What is laser cap therapy? If it gets bigger, it's still normal. I haven't experienced much hair loss in other areas, and my hair is quite thick everywhere. Based on the research I've done, it might just be a cowlick … I usually attempt to cover it with … According to the daily mail report, women in the UK are worried about sudden hair loss. Sadly, DHT(the thing that makes us men) doesn't like hair.