In fact, Titan is the second largest moon in the Solar System, after Jupiter’s … Iapetus owns a width of 1,469 km / 912 mi, and a radius of 734 km / 456 mi. The temperature on this moon rarely rises above minus 281 degrees Fahrenheit despite the significant sunlight it receives. This moon was found in 1671 by Italian astronomer G.D. Cassini. It has a diameter of 3,201 miles in diameter and a dense atmosphere with evidence of surface liquid. The size of Tethys is bigger than the dwarf planet, Ceres. There are over 180 moons that orbit the planets and dwarf planets. Titan orbits Saturn and is the second largest moon with a diameter of 5,150 km. The Tethys is the second largest moon in Saturn’s circle. It has a dense atmosphere that is similar to that of Earth. Similar glints were spotted from Earth in … Largest moon of Saturn is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 10 times. Rhea is closer to the spacecraft in this view. Titan . The largest moon of Saturn is Titan, measuring 5,150 km across. A near-infrared, color image taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft shows the sun glinting off of north polar seas on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Hmn! Clue: Largest moon of Saturn. Tethys, fift largest moon of the saturn . Iapetus is the 3rd biggest moon of Saturn and the 11th biggest moon in the Solar System. Biggest To Smallest. Its diameter is 1,062 km / 659 mi, and a radius of 531 km/329 mi. * Enceladus: The most reflective moon in our Solar System. This moon was discovered by G. D. Cassino who is an Italian astronomer, in 1684. Far below the gaseous atmospheric shroud on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, lies Kraken Mare, a sea of liquid methane. Saturn! A darkly defined Rhea passes before the fuzzy orb of Titan in this Cassini view of Saturn's two largest moons. Largest moon of Saturn is a crossword puzzle clue. See Haze Layers on Titan to learn about Titan's atmosphere. See Ancient Plains of Rhea to learn more about Rhea. Christiaan Huygens a Dutch astronomer discovered this moon in 1655. Here you can learn about the 30 largest moons (by diameter) in the solar system! Saturn's largest moon is moving away from the planet 100 times faster than thought—a finding that helps cement a new theory on how moons migrate. Rhea is Saturn’s second largest moon. I think the principal moons have some unique features. * Titan: The biggest moon in our Solar System And one of the alternatives if we want to go out the Earth to live. Scientist’s refer to the moon as a “dirty snowball” because it is composed mostly of rock and ice. 90% of the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, and the rest is methane and small amounts of ammonia, argon, and ethane. There are related clues (shown below). Astronomers have estimated that … Examples of Saturn's Largest Moons Titan (Saturn VI) Titan is the largest of Saturn’s moon. It is larger than the dwarf planets Makemake and Ceres. Commonly described as a planet-like moon, it is 50% larger than Earth’s moon and larger than Mercury.